I think it’s closer to “whatever they want it to mean so they can persecute their enemies”
The thing is I have yet to see any reasonable alternatives.
Threema is the closest but it’s not free-of-charge, so a non-starter for most of my friends.
The others are controlled by Russia (telegram) or Meta. What else even is viable?
Dumb article. The author wants electric motorcycles without the hassle of licensing, registration, and insurance. She does not want an e-bike.
And I believe they call pavement metalling. What a crazy country.
Not just human beings, anything.
... any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
Really much more about worshipping them than about making them though.
“Graven images are forbidden”
Engraves an image in/on everything
No. Some people just can’t handle subtlety.
A restaurant, shop or other establishment catering to customers that is particularly inconspicuous and easily overlooked.
From wiktionary.
Oh they’re talking about a data breach.
I thought maybe they’d just given in and changed how they referred to “customers”
This is the onion right? …right?
I kind of agree but at the same time the car is the reason it’s a problem.
Just like guns are the problem when people get shot. You shouldn’t remove all agency from the driver but also … its a deadly machine that poorly-trained people are operating every day, and other people are gonna get caught in the crossfire.
That’s true to some extent. Those wattage numbers are pretty fuzzy depending on how it’s measured (continuous vs instantaneous power and such).
However the actual article is almost exclusively focused on being able to go 40mph+, and the hassle of making the motorbike street-legal and getting licensed.