if it wasnt for the fact it's about a current controvertial presedential figure, if you didnt recognise the man as donald trump, this would be a really good fit. (people on this community can be wierd about the no-contextness somtimes)
So software is running on your car that desprately tries to extract and sent your peronal information to its command and control server.
I was going to say "be stingy with access to the OBD / CAN port" but if wireless is involved then avoid the beacon (its wireless and tucked away in a corner so you dont know if its there) or get your data stolen. I feel violated.
big chunks of population are regulated ...
This is appeal to authority, the ligitimicy, correctness and, "goodness" of the items you've listed are in constant flux and under heavy dibate.
firearms are regulated ... Even internet access is super controlled
These two in particular are a powder keg. US politics likes the former (a lot) and, lemmy is attracted to the latter.
I dont know your situation, is explorer.exe running on your account? Check if you can Alt+Tab or Alt+(Fn+)F4. The pills may be making you loose your pnemonic access to your keyboard. Try to run, hide and wait for the effects to wear off, and try the above.
Once you are sober, and if you can remember Scroll Lock, Hold Ctrl and press it twice. I dont know what you are. Best case senario, you walk away with the drug somethat in your system, worst case senario is memory corruption, memory loss and being put in a coma until somone finds you.