@Fitik @tinkralge @melroy That's the difference between you and me, i support the palestinians and deny the existence of israel
joined 5 months ago
@melroy @tinkralge Im a hexbear user. I've never seen any claim about it. Weirdly when liberals are supporting israel it's "political opinion".
@nichtburningturtle I run Arch Linux on a Pentium 2 E5300 and with some system tweaks like using Dwm/St, less than 1000 packages and args on some software it run smoothly.
>I am afraid to open the box up though. Those dust bunnies must be huge.
Yeah probably, but it's necessary to remove them if you want your machine to stay in good conditions for the next years, even more important when it's running 24/7.
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@melroy @tinkralge @Fitik everything is political, and the "we are all humans" dosn't work for thoses discriminating the others