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[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago (3 children)

It sounds good because it sounds like the developers are the ones getting fucked over. But that's not really the case. They already made bank.

Chinas real estate development sector is mostly funded by pre-selling future projects. So the people who bought a unit that now never will be built are the ones truly getting fucked over. And while some of these people are other rich people planning on renting out these units, a big part are just regular people. Only about 25% of the population in China are renting. In some cities the percentage is higher but even in Shanghai and Beijing it's only around 35%.

So a lot of the people who are getting fucked over by this are people who bought their own home that now will never be finished. On the bright side they probably haven't paid the full amount yet but for many their entire lifesaving are still gone and saving up enough money to buy a new home will take a long time.

Sure the developers may lose a lot of net worth because their company isn't worth anything anymore. But they still have way more assets in their possession then they need.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Ist doch nichts neues, damals warens halt die Telefon-Sexhotlines. Die Models in der Werbung und die Person am Telefon waren/sind meistens nicht die selbe Person. Und wenn man genug Nummern durchprobiert findet man bestimmt jemanden der jeden Fetisch erfüllt. Ist schon ne Ewigkeit her aber die Werbungen auf DSF waren ja schon ziemlicher BDSM-Fetisch kram. Von daher gabs bestimmt auch Leitungen die extremere Phantasien erfüllen. Und da hatte man ja sogar per Minute bezahlt. Dating-sims sind auch nichts neues. Und dann gibts ja auch noch Leute mit ihren Waifus oder realistischen Sexpuppen.

Von daher, selbe Scheisse wie immer, einsame Männer suchen Nähe und Intimität woanders und manche Leute haben Fetische die halt nicht gut in der Gesellschaft ankommen. Aber selbst in "traditionellem" BDSM zwischen echten Personen werden viele Phantasien ausgespielt die man nicht in echt erleben will. Von daher bin ich jetzt nicht schockiert dass da einige Gottkomplexe auspielen, andere werden auch auf dem anderen exterm landen und die Ki-Freundin wird vergöttert.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Wie immer wenns um "Sozialbetrug" geht ist die Frage ob es sich tatsächlich lohnt dem stärker nach zugehen. Ne Steigerung um zehn Prozent höhrt sich nicht wirklich nach viel an.

Glaube nicht dass der Großteil der Männer sich ne goldene Nase verdiehnen und nicht zahlen.

Gewisse Maßnahmen wie digitalisierung der Akten ist sooderso der richtige Schritt und würde auch allen Leuten helfen aber die Anzahl der Beamten die dem aktiv nachgehen und nachforschen verfehlt vielleicht das Ziel.

Bin der Meinung dass ne Änderung vom ganzen System wohl sinnvoller wäre. UBI oder zumindest eine stärker Erhöhung von Kindergeld würde das ganze lösen. Und besonders da sich dass Familienbild derzeit sooderso stark ändert, ists vielleicht Zeit den Unterhalt ganz abzuschaffen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (7 children)

The EU granted all people fleeing from the war a 2 year stay until March 4, 2024. So it was addressed and they were allowed to stay and shouldn't have been home 2 years ago. Many people lost access to their documents and given them enough time to get everything in order was the right decision.

But the article is mostly about the shortcomings of the Nigerian government/embassy. Who failed to provide sufficient support and resources to the Nigerians affected by the war. It took them 4 months after the war broke out to evacuate people from Ukraine. And then didn't help Nigerians in Europe obtaining new visas or residence status for the EU at all. Allegedly not even issuing new Passports except temporary ones to go back to Nigeria.

The stories of affected people are odd choices and won't create any sympthay from people that are opposed to them staying in the first place, probably making the feelings even worse. A 30 year old woman who left Nigeria at 17 and now "cannot imagine rebuilding her life again, especially as Nigeria experiences a steep economic decline." And a guy who went to Nigeria, then came to Portugal and is working in customer service. He doesn't have time to study portuguese to study in portugal, and the embassy isn't helping them.

I personally still think that number of people affected is so low, that the EU could be more lenien in granting new visas but I suppose there is no legal basis for that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

There is no sudden change, not sending troop was the default stance for most people from day 1. And most politicians agreed with it, so there wasn't much need to speak up against it.

But now that Macron isn't ruling it out, voices against it need to speak up.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

It isn't plastic, it's made from brass or other metals. So instead of being 100x the acceptable price, it's closer to 10x the acceptable price.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 11 months ago (6 children)

You should ban anyone who tries this regardless of the outcome. There is always a small chance they did it on purpose trying to cause damage. There is no benefit by giving them another chance, you just riks giving them the possibility of doing more damage. If the thing was a mistake, the person will learn from it and find another job.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

There is no better alternative than turning these offices into housing. Forcing people to work in offices again is worse and keeping them empty is also worse.

A big advantage of converting them is there is already a lot of desirable infrastructure in place. Public transportation, shops, restaurants, everything is there already. Building apartment complexes at the edge of town might be cheaper but there usually is nothing there.

I also doubt that it's actually cheaper to raze and rebuild for that many buildings. The only real trouble is upgrading the plumbing. Everything else is definitely offset buy using the existing shell.

Some buildings have a floorplan that doesn't really work for residential but there is also no need to convert all offices. Pick the ones that are best suited and keep the remaining to satisfy the reduced need for office space.

The only real issue is that the current owner of the building obviously prefer just forcing people back into office since that's more profitable. So it would take government subsidies and incentives for them to make the switch more profitable. And then we are once again putting hundred of millions into the pockets of already rich people. But it's cheaper for the city and better for the people so while a tough pill to swallow, it's still beats any alternative.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I lived in Vienna for over 20 years. Social housing is part of it. There are enough apartments available to house roughly 1/4th of the population. Average waiting time is 1-2 years to get one. So it doesn't work for everyone. But the requirements to get one are reasonable. The middle class has access to them.

On top of that, Vienna has some rent control. Houses built before 1953 have a legal maximum for rent. And a lot of buildings are older than that. Newer buildings that took advantage of government grants also have rent limits. And then there are Genossenschaftwohnungen. They are built by "non-profit" developers (not quite right but close enough). They also have rent control.

So there are a shit ton of affordable apartments available. And that keeps even the rent of units that aren't directly controlled in check. Obviously there are a few buildings and locations that still charge outlandish rent. But no one is forced to take them.

Of course landlords find ways to go beyond the limit. But we are talking at most $100-200 a month higher. Not outlandish higher. Because there are a lot of easy to use tools to check your rent price. You just put in what you pay, where you live and it will tell you if it's allowed or not. If they charge too much there are resources available to have the rent fixed and you get paid back what you overpaid.

Plus the law really favors renters. Perpetual rent contracts are the norm. Term-Limited rent contracts have a mandatory discount added to them. And they are limited to one extension. The second one would turn it into a perpetual contract. So landlords have a hard time getting rid of existing tenants/contracts. Or end up paying a lot for real estate agent fees.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

They aren't comparable. Autodesk is a business product, not for consumers. The product makes you money and the price for it is a business expense and tax deductible. While subscriptions to Spotify, Netflix, etc. aren't.

[–] [email protected] 51 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

The reason why it took so long: The card machine to pay the tax was broken. Banks were closed, ATM limits too low, so he had to wait for a replacement card reader to arrive.

It's unclear if he actually failed to declare it or if there was some other kind of mistake. It's also unclear if he had to pay a penalty or just the tax.

However, a source told CBS News, the BBC's US partner, that Schwarzenegger was not asked to fill out a declaration form.

So yeah, the headline and article are making a big thing out of no information.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Du weißt schon dass Hochzeitstauben zurück zu ihrem Taubenschlag liegen? Die werden nicht einfach wilde Stadttauben. Man kann ein argument machen dass die nicht OK sind wegen Tierquälerei aber die haben absolut keinen Einfluss an der Anzahl der Tauben in der Stadt.

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