You mean like... at Staples?
Dollar tree sells staples at a dollar 25
*Doom music starts playing in the background
He's probably not from new york. I heard you can get lynched if you eat pizza like that in new york
No worries, happy to read your rant. Hope your job gets better
Depends on the situation, but overall I first try to deescalate the customer and genuinely try to be helpful, but if the customer does not want to de-escalate or asks for absolutely outrageous demands, then I let them be whatever they want, just somewhere else.
I mean, I'm no economist so I cant exactly speak on the how, but the government should be involved in the funding for this, passing the financial burden onto parents would just cause either those couples to not have kids, or not give those new born kids the adequate attention they need leading to further problems in their life.
Both parents should be entitled to take 12 months leave as a minimum, and their employer should be required to pay their salary and protect their position during that time.
Sweet, now just need to be able to see location details like in Google maps and I'm golden
Or her dripping
This is exactly my issue with everyone thinking that discord is the greatest thing. Discord is great to chat and hang out, but it's also a blackhole that retains all kinds of information shat should be displayed on a website.