the 40-minute ads
40 fucking minutes?????
In the ads, the first frame, used as the default thumbnail on the platform, was of the make-up instructor. During the period of up to a minute where the ad displayed hardcore porn, the instructor appeared again every 15 frames, intermixed with the porn. Once the hardcore porn ad finished, a slowed-down version of the actual make-up tutorial played for approximately 40 minutes, until the end.
Oh, so that's how it worked.
They highlight the challenges the social media giant faces as it comes up against unscrupulous advertisers on its platforms.
Pffffft, there's no "challenge", facebook gets money either way. The only challenge is for the people who use fb and insta for whatever reason.
I'd add the following: "everyone else" has more github projects and commits than you. "How much code have you done in this language" is wholly measured by what you can immediately show.