I just watched this last night. You beat me to it
That looks like the dragon from dragonball
Hear me out … what if creating and providing 27 flavors of ice cream to people IS some one’s free creative potential. And they were able to keep doing it full time after monetizing it.
The real joke is that when people create these businesses by doing something they like, all of a sudden there’s no time to do the fun stuff because 90% of the time is now dedicated to business work.
Pour it way way down inside
You HAVE to make an account and sign on when you first open it. On a privacy focused sub, that should be an instant DQ
The teeth!
Miss that /r/silverbugs family
Getting real Bobson Dugnutt vibes here
It annoys me that he’s wearing 2 different types of shoes
I punch my chest and it …. It disappear into the crowd!