
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks! The Tripp lites have been amazing to use. I think they do. They have the status Ethernet connector with two other PS/2 style connectors.

The M500 has some weird issue where it beeps 3 times, short pause, and another 3 beeps. On repeat. I’ve tried factory resetting but no dice so far. Can’t get the arm to do anything but be red.

Good to know about the 3650


I snagged a bunch of equipment from a business selling off their stuff.

  • Watchguard Firebox M500
  • Tripp-lite PDUMH20ATNET (x4)
  • Cisco Catalyst 3560 POE-24
  • Dell PowerConnect 6224

I run a Ubuiqiti setup ATM (AP + DM:SE). I'm thinking the PDUs and Firewall might be useful, though I see people maybe recommend PFSense over WatchGuard.

Edit: I also need to, at some point, get 5 SNMP devices for the free trial thing going on around Reddit.


I was given an HP Procurve 2824 j4903a and when I connect it up to my Ubiquiti UDM SE I don't see an IP or anything opaque appear on my network.

Do I need to use what looks like a COM/serial port on the front of the device to access its configuration? It says web browser on the above link so I assumed it had a web UI.


I've got three main pieces of software/hardware I run with in my homelab today. I'm wondering if it makes sense consolidate my gaming server and where I run my web apps (docker containers) and leave my Synology solely to run as a NAS.

I currently have my gaming PC in my office, along with my MacBook Pro, connected to my ultrawide. My Ideal setup would be to 1) migrate my 24/7 server to more power efficient hardware 2) centralize my gaming server so I can connect to it from my TV, Steam Deck, or Ultrawide seamlessly and 3) slowly just get everything else off my Synology so it can be single focused on being a NAS.

I wonder if Proxmox is the tool that unlocks this ability for me. As I understand it online gaming might be problematic, as well as streaming to my 100hz ultrawide?

I can't think of an alternative that gets me environment isolation + gaming capability all while consolidating on my more power efficient hardware.

Current setup:

  1. Synology

Powers my NAS Docker containers (DNS, Torrent, Plex, web apps)

  1. Gaming PC

Specs: Runs Windows 11, Intel 12th gen with RTX 3070

Turned on ~10% of the time. 100% for gaming either via Sunshine (to Steam deck, TV) or directly connected to my ultrawide

  1. Old Desktop

Specs: Runs Ubuntu Server, Intel 3th gen with integrated graphics

Runs docker containers (web apps like *arr, HA)