what do you do with that?
I wasn't talking about on a societal level, I was talkling about you. I also don't need a reading list on why you think you can be dismissive of men's issues. The article is about a recently published report about issues facing boys and young men. There is no whataboutism as it isn't in response to anything.
Our militaries are inextricably linked at this point. But it would be the immediate capture and seizure of all American personnel in the country, then a rapid return of British troops to national soil. The EU and Commonwealth would join us, and we would smash the Americans. Their morale would be zero, half of them would desert/rebel/defect and they'd be fighting a world war on multiple fronts. We would just have to hope Trump doesn't press the red button. In that situation that would trigger a second strike of UK & French nukes straight back at them, and the USA and Europe would be glass. Russia and China achieve world domination.
Regarding Trident, that would be an incredibly sticky situation. Immediately our deterrent would be diminished, long term (2-3 years) it would be gone. There would have to be lightning fast deal made with the French, full refit of the subs and warheads for their missiles.
Interesting why this person is so interested about if developers are land banking? Yes of course they are. that's how it works.
Describing the content of that article as REPULSIVE is just deeply misandrist. Why is it seemingly impossible for people to care about more than one demographic at once.
The naivety of it all is fascinating.
Yes that is what is happening here. Clearly you're not doing well, so I'm thankful you're just getting angry on lemmy and not actually making a difference.