It would be funny if someone was literally beating up servers with a wooden shoe.
joined 5 months ago
Then there is John Michael Greer...
Wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
A regular contributor at UnHerd...
I did not know that, and I hate that it doesn't surprise me. I tended to dismiss his peak oil doomerism as wishing for some imagined "harmony with nature". This doesn't help with that bias.
the Automattic cult acolyte onboarding guide, enjoy using all our systems whose names are puns on "Matt"
Just something I found in the wild (r/machine learning): Please point me in the right direction for further exploring my line of thinking in AI alignment
I'm not a researcher or working in AI or anything, but ...
you don't say
Ah, yes, the classic "I'm not like the other girls" of politics.