The whole sticker implementation is absolute dog shit. How hard could it be to do a half decent implementation with customizable keywords for searching, custom sticker categorization, and backups? I have hundreds, if not over a thousand, stickers and it's impossible to access them quickly to find the one you want. You end up just adapting to whatever is on your most used list, and you're stuck scrolling for a while to find a different sticker, which In an active chat group it means you end up reacting super late to everything and the chat has moved on at that point.
MSN and the MSN+ plugin had this nailed down 20 years ago. Even telegram has a better implementation where you just add the entire sticker library for each new sticker; you end up with stickers you didn't ask for, which is a negative, but everything ends up categorized in SOME way at least.
Its also ridiculous that whatsapp can't be bothered to offer sticker creation in-app.
Dont get me started on chat participants count limitations and how utterly USELESS archiving a chat is. You can mute the chat and archive it, and a single message will just pop it back to the top of your list, as if you weren't trying to actively avoid that. And whatsapp has been pretty useless for big chat groups such as big neighborhoods and the like. My HOA hasn't added me or my friends to the neighborhood chat groups historically due to size limitations, which in itself perpetuated a toxic approach from the HOA where only sycophants are allowed into these groups. Most neighbors are left in the dark over decisions and meetings, which is utter stupidity and has 100% been aggravated by whatsapp's limitations. Doesn't matter that they've implemented alternatives to this, you try to get hundreds of boomers to understand how to use community chats.
I don't mind having less fun content, the content that's here is good enough for me as far as scrolling a feed goes. My main problem is that every source of actually good information and good community-sourced solutions to things is still on reddit. You want to figure out why your game is acting weird? Check out for config issues that people mention on reddit. You're trying to decide between two solutions/softwares/products? Yeah, you're gonna get all the info you need on reddit. Tutorials, guides, recommendations, fixes, solutions, it's all better when it's communities talking about them, and all of that information is still over on reddit, better indexed, more condensed, the whole nine yards.
I have made ONE post on reddit since things went to shit, and it was to ask redgifs for better lemmy support. I don't add anything to reddit otherwise, but it is still impossible to find good information without relying on reddit.