Cool. So you resort to insults and unsupported denial as your strongest arguments. You got me! I am stupid. Sorry for bothering you.
If you say so. Doesn't help that you jumped straight to calling me stupid for trying to tell you how it is. You don't bother arguing because you don't know what you're talking about to begin with. Go back to reddit. You fit in better there.
Probably man-made as opposed to farm grown.
It isn't bullshit. I don't what else to tell you. 50 states, each with their own cultures and dialects. If you don't want to believe it, that's your business, but that's the way it is.
lol at the UK tag while talking shit
All you just told me is that you haven't been to either. You couldn't be more wrong.
Kinda like when people lump California and Alabama together when talking about Americans. Annoying, isn't it?
Yeah, and what I was saying is it's always been that way since the first search engines started popping up.
C'mon now. "Laptop monitor turn off" has never generated a good result, even in the before time. I share the question: what are these people searching for that Google is generally yielding worse results than other engines? For anything sysadmin, IT-related, or any sort of troubleshooting, I've always needed to be creative to get to the good stuff.
It is.
Naw, that's more like LA vs SF when talking about Californians. Different beliefs, social behavior, dialects, history, architecture, etc.
You guys really need to get away from lumping Americans in the same bin in conversation. The US is huge and covers more diverse cultures in a single state than most people understand. We're friends with Europeans, regardless of what country you're from. We love you guys! Stop falling victim to propaganda and remember that we are allies.