The problem is not necessarily that the ads are personalized. The problem is, to make them personalized, companies have to collect personal data. This turns you into a product, because they can/will sell your info to other corporations.
Now you are just blowing my mind.
Someone just listened to Supernova in the East lol.
But I really want to the cat :'(
I never said they were the be-all-end-all of distribution. This comic implies that banks somehow are responsible for providing money to people to buy housing. This is a way larger systemic issue. People should be paid enough to be able to purchase property.
I know right? I'm normally all for modifying your car any way you want, but friggin Dominos branding??
I really want to sleep more than 5-6 hours per night, but I also really do not want to rely on GABAergics/benzos for sleep. Besides, doctors in my country will rarely prescribe them anyway.
It's more like a game of catch than a boomerang. If it's not returning, you're playing with the wrong people.
$500 per month?? At that point just go to a prostitute a few times a month. The people paying for this are stupid, but on the other hand it's super sad that Tinder even made this subscription. They know some desperate people are going to subscribe.
Everyone involved in this is a traitor. Invest your money in something useful, Poland.
I think you're severely underestimating how stupid some people can be without malicious intent. Not that I'm justifying their behavior in any way, but it's possible they're just really stupid.