
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Not sure sure if you know about this but they reason they don't allow it in other clients is the encrypted portion. However, they built a bridge recently that allows you to use it within other clients on Linux (not sure what other OS but looks like windows too) and I've been running it on the Evolution client since.

Proton Mail Bridge

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Got me this morning

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I had tried to build one one time and got the ui down. As I started building the more complex arithmatic (chaining calculations) i realized how insanely complex it actually is. It made me realize how complex the most simple looking apps actually are.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Not sure if you use that feature but does it work like an indexer and allow direct downloads of "Linux isos"?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think when I tried them out a while back they also had a usenet search? Can anyone clarify on this?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

Came to the comments to find this question lol

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago (15 children)

Can anyone with knowledge on business explain why these companies keep going public other than the simple fact of money?

I feel like everytime a company does they go full throttle into making shareholders money and lose sight of their original company. Honestly I assumed discord was already public based on some of their monetary features that are overpriced lol.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled on chrome either but at a certain point I think it comes down to "who's fucking me the least". Which I totally understand it's probably still chrome but I think just like with privacy, there is no sweet spot with browsers. It's all subjective on each person's threshold and what they want/need.

Call me crazy, but an example I've been thinking about is this:

Firefox is great. But with their recent TOS addition a lot of people want to jump ship of which ive seen a lot reference forks of Firefox. If, hypothetically, mozilla followed suit and became the next google, wouldnt a lot of those forks just be getting their updates from upstream (depending on the type)? And either way, they would be gecko which is developed by mozilla. So if 10 years from now mozilla goes the data route then we could be back in the same predicament.

Of course, those forks might not add crypto or screw over creators by affiliate link highjacking so I get there's more to it then that.

But either way, I kinda look at these things like the Signal messenger argument. Is it a perfect solution? No, some people say go further because it's centralized but it does offer a great mix of security and eas of access. And I think those trade offs apply to browsers as well.

Anyways, thanks again and have a good one as well! I appreciate the discussion!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Thanks for actually answering my question. It was a genuine question based on my opinion for what I knew.

Based on those articles, the crypto stuff doesn't necessarily worry me as much as the affiliate highjacking that they were caught doing. I wasn't aware. Honey recently got caught up In a scandle just as bad if not worse (by scale of users).

And yeah, I heard Opera was pretty terrible. I wanna say I heard the developers of themselves opera left and created Vivaldi and Opera is Chinese owned I think? I could be wrong on that.

Either way, thanks.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Could you clarify some of these issues? I'm a long time brave user and have really enjoyed using it and haven't noticed any issues besides some if their Web 3.0 integrations that you can turn off.

Always happy to find Better options though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Not sure about the whitelisting part, but I think this is what Brave already does. Randomizing fingerprinted data as opposed to blending in. Makes it hard to build a profile on.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I used to use Plex as well but similar to your remarks, they started doing a lot more updates that added a "corporate" feel to it such as adding their own movies/tv. Nothing inherently wrong with that but in my opinion, when a platform has the option to add features such as that, that costs money. And they're gonna want to get that money back somehow. Yeah they offer subscriptions but to me this all was a redflag that I could see them taking further in the future. Where as Jellyfin is completely free at the cost of a little extra work to setup.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I'm not very used to permissions based access so please forgive some of the ignorant attempts. For context, i have a jellyfin media server running on a mini PC. My previous way of transfering media to the server was using a secondary portable SSD and just plugging it in directly and moving the files to the main SSD. Originally the SSD was formatted to VFAT.


I had the idea that maybe using SFTP would allow me to just be able to drop in the files id like to host and simplify this process. With the original context above, I set up SSH and copied the id_rsa key over to the headless machine and launched sftp. This worked great but i was unable to add more files to the directory via SFTP, only read them.


Skipping over discovering that VFAT is not linux permission friendly except on mounting options, I reformatted the drive to Ext4. This is where i began running into issues.

I relized the drive had permissions to root:root so i started trying to change them. First i made a group called jellyfin, and tried to run the following:

sudo chown mainuser:jellyfin /media/jellyfin

to try to set ownership to the mainuser while adding the jellyfin group to it. I then edited the same sftpuser to the jellyfin group. For the final file editing, i ran the following (initially tried 765 in hopes of 7 for owner, 6 for group, and 5 for everyone else):

sudo chmod 777 /media/jellyfin

I also set the starting sftp area for sftp user to that directory as well.

Current problem

Neither SFTP or Jellyfin is now able to see that directory path. On SFTP I'm getting "FATAL: Connection reset by peer" while on jellyfin im getting playback errors for all media as well as not able to discover new media i manually added to the drive.

On the actual vm console, im able to cd and view all files under sftpuser and verified I was able to add that user to the jellyfin group. Any advise here would be great. I'm also happy to provide more context as well.Thanks!

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been using a lot of torrents for my jellyfin server and my current process is the rename the files to something similar to whats found in the jellyfin documentation around naming and had a couple questions.

Currently, almost all the torrents i find default to something similar to this:


I usually change the name in the in the qBitTorrent client before downloading to something like LinuxISO.HEVC-PSA but was wondering if there was a way to avoid having to do the renamings. Its not really that tedious but its more so If im wanting to seed files again later, I would need the file names to match exactly. What I've found in my search is software like sonarr and radar could possibly create links? I'm not very familiar with what that does exactly but I was also wondering if its possible to have Jellyfin read the name via a sub folder such as Movies/LinusISO/ or from metadata.

Anyone else know the least tedious workaround for this? Can Jellyfin actually just read the original file naming?

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Well, After hundreds of GB of torrents downloaded, I slipped up. I've been changing around linux distros recently and i believe i configured my VPN wrong or forgot to turn it back on after doing something. Well, I finally got hit with a copyright warning. Just your typical "we had to send this" type of warning but none-the-less, I slipped up.

Sharing this because the day before it happened, I read a post about not only having your killswitch on but also binding your client to you vpn interface for situations like this. Needless to say I didn't take that precaution. For those who are on linux, I found a great post about how to set this up on reddit and wanted to remind people to "double wrap" because why not be safe lol.

The steps were more or less as follows (for QBitTorrent at least):

  1. Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced Settings

  2. Under "Network Interface", select your vpn interface. To test, check what shows with your vpn on, and then turn it off and re-navigate to this part to see what dissapeared. Thats likely your vpn interface if the name wasn't clear. (Do not be seeding/downloading torrents while doing this in case).

  3. To test, download a non-copyright torrent like the Ubuntu ISO torrent. In the middle of download, disconnect or close your vpn connection. This should stop the download.

Not sure if reddit links are cool here but here is the guide source if anyones interested. Binding VPN to Torrent Client

Stay hidden!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TLDR: Is there a way I can just choose files to seed automatically instead of downloading again first?

Pretty new to using torrents and I have a bunch of files I've been able to download over time through magnet links. Some of which I was unable to seed for long periods of time so removed but would like to be able to still seed them again.

It doesn't look like I have torrent files for them and I tried copying the. Torrent file to another folder when using magnets to see if I could get it from that. I was able to get some from that but it seems to just start a Download again. Can anyone explain this process a little bit better for me so I can offer up my files at later times too?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apologies If I can't list specific 3rd Android OS here. I know you can't on some reddit privacy subs due to some beef between devs I guess. I'll take down if needed :)

Regardless, Ive been running GOS for a while and just found out theres a feature that allows you to use biometrics while still requiring your pin on the initial lock screen. One of my concerns with biometrics is that in some jurisdictions, law enforcement can force someone to open their phone through face ID or thumb print.

I've been using this feature that allows you to use biometrics but when you are on the lock screen, it still requires your pin. I thought this was really cool because it allows me to use biometrics only to unlock my apps while still adding an extra layer of protection to the unlocking of the device itself. Obviously slightly Inconvenient depending on your worries/threat level, but I just wanted to share this in case anyone else was interested and didnt know about it! Very cool!

EDIT: I just re-read my screenshot and it looks like fingerprint unlock is not correlated to using fingerprint for app unlocking. If this is the case then I'm not quite sure what the actual benefits are here. Please feel free to clarify!


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I saw a post on reddit asking for open source android keyboards in recent years since a lot of the posts were older. One user recommended "Futo Keyboard".

To be clear, I'm not affiliated with them but I've been trying them based on that reddit response and I just wanted to share here in case anyone else has been looking.

In short, this keyboard is about as close to awesome as you can get so far. Features I like:

  • Feels like GBOARD
  • Works fully offline
  • Gesture typing (about 75% as accurate as GBoard)
  • Built in offline speech to text (no third party engine needed to download

I've tried other options like heliboard and openboard and they are great too, but I think so far this has been the best I've tried and I wanted to recommend it on here in case anyone else is looking. Feel free to share any other setups or recommendations below!

EDIT: it was pointed out that it is source-available and not open source. Apologize for my initial assumption. The source and license can be viewed here: Futo Keyboard. It is fully open for non-commercial use. Anything commercial can have restrictions.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not sure if this 100% goes here but I'm relatively new to the self hosting world. Please advise if this needs to be moved elsewhere and I will.

I recently picked up a beelink mini PC and have been running Proxmox for things like jellyfin, home assistant, etc.

I'm looking to set up OpenWRT and found a helper script that sets up the VM but I'm having issues being able to configure wireless. According to the official docs, wireless is off by default if there are eth ports. When I go to edit it, both in the LuCl and in the /etc/config/wireless file, I hit 2 issues:

  1. The web client doesn't have a wireless option.
  2. There is no wireless file In the config directory.

I tried looking for some solutions online but wasn't sure what was exactly specific for me. I wasn't sure if this was a hardware issue or a Proxmox/OpenWRT config issue. Any advice on this?

Side note: My thoughts were I could use the internal wi-fi adapter for wireless but would I need a USB adapter of some sort for this capability?

Edit: I realized later I left some context off. In case i wasn't clear enough. Sorry. Currently I use a Google nest wifi pro router and was hoping to replace it with OpenWRT for more control/customization.

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