
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

You say content creators should not be paid for their work? And Google should provide all those servers and bandwidth for free?

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago (15 children)

The old business model could not last forever… and even if it could it was not good for anyone.

Think about it

Hosting videos is expensive, someone has to pay for it. It was mostly paid by ads. Ads which many (most people) would block and many people would not ever click even when not blocked. But it still made money… The money come only from ads which 1) where not blocked 2) where at least clicked. The business relied on that.

So YT relied on ads targeting people who did not know how to block ads and people easy to manipulate by the ads (eager to buy whatever they are trying to sell). Probably not the brightest. Or just easy to be taken advantage of. So the incentive would be to promote content for those people. Not good content, not true content, just content that makes ads viewed and clicked.

People using ad-blocks were still affected by those who do not. And whole site was optimized for advertises not viewers or content creators. And that is bad.

I am all in favour of any direct form of payments instead of ads powering the internet. Sites get very little money for each view anyway – so the prices for users should also be quite small.

Unfortunately as long as ads are supposed to be normal part of internet, they may get forced even onto paying customers. We need regulations.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (15 children)

The loans are not just a symptom. Is probably the main cause of current college prices. Prices would not be so high if students would not be given money to pay them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Some trains may have the same function as buses or trams in other places (and metro... is metro a train here?), so the everyday commute of people in city A may not be that different than commute in city B, when first uses trams, and the second one has a local rail network with light trains. Actually the trains would probably have bigger negative impact on environment and life conditions in this scenario.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (12 children)

It was, but also we have the same time in most EU, so at the west or east extremities either winter or summer time is quite wrong (or even both). Synchronized time is handy for international relations, though.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That is not true. Not fully true, and the true part is blown out of proportion by various populists (especially right-wing, who would like to replace what we have with USA model or worse).

Most basic health care is organized by the government and paid through taxes and social insurance (which is obligatory). Unfortunately it is not financed enough and it shows, more in some areas and less in others. GP access is quite good, especially in larger cities, unless someone didn't care to choose his 'first contact clinic' right. Those clinics are mostly private, but working on government contract. One can usually get a GP appointment within a week, often same day. Urgent GP appointments are available 24/7 through special 'holiday and night health care points'.

Things became worse when popular specialist help is needed. One needs a referral from his GP and may need to wait months for appointment. There is the point were people who can afford that, would often go private. That and dentists / orthodontist.

Big problems are in children psychiatry, mostly due to lack of funding.

Medicines are much cheaper that in USA. When prescribed by a doctor they are usually partially or even, in some specific cases, fully paid by government. That is not make it affordable for everyone that needs it, but it is not very bad.

When something very bad happens – serious accident, cancer, etc. then the public health care gives the most. Public hospitals will do what they can (with limited funding and overworked personnel) for free. People are not sent away because they are poor and won't have huge debt to pay just because they got sick.

There are private insurances, or rather subscriptions services. They used to give better access to basic health care that the public services, but recently they don't offer much more. And you must pay for the public service anyway. They usually totally fail in more serious case (chronic illness, cancer, serious accident) – one would get to and be treated by a public hospital too.

In short:


  • health care is basically free for everybody by principle
  • GP access is good, and serious cases are handled quite well
  • medicines are available and prices are not horrendous


  • not all the free health care is practically available, sometimes available appointments are months or years in the future
  • dentists, orthodontists – not really available via public health care and private options are expensive
  • doctors, nurses are other personnel are underpaid and overworked
  • there is a lot of bad PR around health car here – this doesn't help improving things
[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 years ago

Not everything has to be computed in every computation cycle. Most things are already pre-computed and the operations to do the corrections would mostly be simple additions and multiplications.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

Not that easily and cheaply as they used to be.

[–] [email protected] 87 points 2 years ago (26 children)

Doesn't sound like the 'cheap small computer you can run your hobby electronics project on' that the original Pi used to be. It is not as cheap and a power hungry beast, still small, though. More and more like a PC and less and less a small cheap embedded platform. For some people it is a plus (I guess for most people here), for some not so much.

I tend to build my projects on Raspberry Pi Pico now, but sometimes I would need something more powerful and Raspberry Pi 5 will be too much.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ok. Now convince milions relying on meat.

Government politician telling people 'stop eating meat, that will be better for you and to make the switch easier we will make meat more expensive' won't be a government politician after next elections.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I think politicians are more afraid of voters and their reaction to significant meat price increase.

Poultry is staple food in much of the world. Caged farming is used because it is cheap. When it is forbidden the staple food will get more expensive. And it will hurt the poor the most.

Yes meat price increase is the way to go… but that is not easy to push and will hurt not those we want. Things would be easier if we can find cheap, healthy (most 'meat alternatives' are highly processed food, which is not better than meat) alternative that people will accept.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

On the other hand, creating plastic from atmospheric CO2 (which requires energy, lots of energy) and then, after it did its job, letting it get buried on landfills can actually be a way for carbon sequestration.

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