This is just one of the reasons we need open source hardware along with firmware and mobile Linux distributions for phones, now more than ever.
joined 3 years ago
I use Pass. It has a ton of extensions and client, as well as being simple to use.
For BitWarden, I believe you can host it through your own server.
Yeah, the information seems clear on what the project does. I do alot of work via the command line, so this would seem useful to me. From the looks of it, I don't think there is anything ovelry complicated with it. I shall test it out before commenting on the final two questions. But overall it seems great!
First time I am hearing of this project. I would love to see how the final products turns out. I'd be keeping an eye on this.
Unfortunately, this has not been the first time this has occured. Absolver, Battletech, Cyberpunk 2077, X4, Dying Light and others listed here:
All require some a form of DRM to unlock either cosmetics, multiplayer modes or extra content. As a person who uses GOG, it is a sad state of affairs that they would choose to have a wide catalog rather than sticking to their original promise of selling games without DRM.