I love the false knees comics so much!
joined 2 years ago
Not really. The research papers mention an interaction between an antibody and a gene that controls tooth growth in both humans and mice. If that gene is supressed, there is no tooth growth.
However, every tooth you can ever grow, or at least the embryonal tissue for it, is already present at birth. There is no way to get more, and activating this gene would not give you additional tissue to develop into new teeth.
'The Game Just Fundamentally Undermines Itself': Game Designer Breaks Down 'Baldur's Gate 3's Most Fatal Flaws
But ist that not part of it? Being put in situations where you don't have all the information, where you don't know the potential outcomes and where you can permanently fuck things up? For me at least, that was a big part of the pull in playing TRPGs and CRPGs. It is, after all, not a strategy game.
Nicht nur das, sie setzt den systematischen Betrug, der von Homöopathikern betrieben wird, auf ein Niveau mit echter Medizin, indem sie behauptet sie sei auch welche.
Jeder lacht heute über daa Bild des Schlangenölverkäufers, dabei ist Homöopathie nichts anderes und genau so gefährlich, wenn nicht sogar noch gefährlicher da eine politisch und wirtschaftlich starke Lobby dahintersteht.