It’s made by a lot of the original Opera team, including the founder. They have some nifty features that either require an addon in Firefox or are unavailable. Tab tiling is the one that I miss almost daily when I’m using Firefox.
They are an innovative group that often pioneers features that eventually trickle down to other browsers. Although it’s based on chromium, it’s an excellent browser that offers better privacy than Chrome. They have done a great job building a browser that caters to power users but can also be configured to use a simplified UI similar to Chrome.
If they had container tabs like Firefox it would be my favorite browser hands down. They have profiles like Chrome that work much better than Firefox profiles, but each profile is a separate window whereas container tabs can be mixed in a single window.
You’re missing out on watching a lot of progress bars while you reinstall all the time. If you like what you have, keep using it. All you get from switching is a different package manager, a few slightly different package names, maybe faster updates and a new default desktop background. You’ll still be using all the same apps, probably similar versions, probably systemd. It’s a bigger difference logging into a new desktop environment than a new distro.