
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The usual suspects are ThinkPad T, P or X1, Framework or System76. Some people also like the Dell XPS but I don’t because of the lack of ports. I use a ThinkPad X1 Extreme. It runs great, it’s repairable and there are good premium support options available.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The brain fog was the worst. I had horrible insomnia too. I had to start on sedatives and anti-anxiety meds after I recovered. They initially put me on some poison shit like Xanax. I quickly switched that out for trazodone and medical marijuana. I could sleep but things were still way off.

I eventually got put on sertraline and adderall during the day, a 10 mg edible in the evening and I take a trazodone a hour before bed. I sleep better now than I have at any time in my life and I feel great. I don’t feel like I have the same raw cognitive capacity that I used to, but I’m attentive, productive and don’t struggle to perform basic tasks like I did after I got sick. Overall, I feel more capable than ever even if my mental processing speed is lower than before.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I got it towards the end of 2020 and was hospitalized for a week with pneumonia and a collapsed lung. The acute infection had me sick for a month. My last day with a fever was exactly 4 weeks after the first day I felt symptoms. I had lingering symptoms for about 6 months after.

As far as taste, I got that back quickly. I lost my taste within the first 2-3 days. I heard from someone that spicy food helps so I ate the spiciest food I could find. My lips were burning, my hair was tingling and I was sweating so I knew it was hot. I could almost feel like I was tasting spice, but the sensation would quickly go away. The next day I was able to taste a little bit and within 24-48 it was mostly back. By the time I was hospitalized, I had fully regained taste. I didn’t get my sense of smell back for probably another 3 weeks after that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Edit: If you like black coffee, go for a medium roast premium or specialty grade coffee from Costa Rica that goes through a honey process. Very smooth, low acid and a hint of natural sweetness from the coffee fruit.

Yeah, they over roast their coffee. It’s deliberate. I assume it’s for consistency and because it’s a low effort way to cut through all that milk and sugar in expensive lattes. Americans have also been conditioned to associate dark, bitter coffee with “strong”.

The irony is dark roast has less caffeine than lighter roast and it’s usually done to mask defects in the bean. Whether to roast light, medium or dark typically isn’t an arbitrary decision or based on any preference. There’s a whole grading process where the ideal roast is determined based on the quality of the beans.

The highest quality beans will often be roasted medium and you start going darker as you get into the lower quality stuff. Basically, you’re cooking off bad flavors that may be the result of sour beans, mold, insect damage, chemicals or worse. There are all kinds of farming practices you don’t want to know about where they get away with it by roasting dark and/or blending with a little bit of a higher quality coffee.

The thing with Starbucks is they actually start with good beans so they don’t have to do this. They also have a wide variety of suppliers and bean types. They could easily put together a great flavor profile that would work for lattes as well as black coffee. But things do change a little bit from one harvest to the next. Starbucks is all about consistency. You can order the same drink at any location in the world and it tastes exactly the same every time.

A small black coffee is $2 because people will pay that much. The cost is less than 25 cents for the coffee. The cup and lid might cost more than what you’re drinking if it’s a commercial grade bean. Coffee is a high margin business.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Chair and tires too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Eat spicy food. I ate the hottest wings I could find and my sense of taste started coming back the next day.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I don't care as long as the placement is ok and I can map it to something useful. I'm a GNOME user so the Windows/Super key gets a lot of use. It's nice to have. A new key that I use for all my custom shortcuts would actually be kind of nice. Who cares that the default key caps are a Windows icon and this Copilot thing? Change the key caps and they are just keys.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I’m not buying that story. It gives him way too much credit and is simply implausible. I believe the reality is Elon has an incredible imagination, issues with executive functions, and lacks empathy. He’s not a mastermind James Bond villain and he’s not as smart as people think he is. Left to his own devices, he makes bad decisions and is easily carried away by ideas that are interesting to him at the time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Hey, everyone was impacted and it was all personal. It doesn’t have to be about who was impacted more or which experiences are more legitimate than others. $150k is a lot to lose. I’m in that boat myself and, in some ways, we haven’t recovered from that. The timing of it caused a lot of changes in our lives and spoiled long term plans that were important to us and our kids. It took a while to pick up the pieces and pivot. There’s always going to be that “what if” feeling so there’s a real sense of loss.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It’s silly but I like color changing LED lights.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What’s the Starfield mod for inventory? I haven’t been playing or really keeping up with the game since launch. I put several hours in and it was interesting, but I figured I would wait until they put some polish into it. I had some stuff in my backlog anyway. If the inventory can be fixed then I’m mostly good to go.

[–] [email protected] 70 points 1 year ago (22 children)

A couple days ago I was swapping out my GPU. As I was carefully removing the glass side cover, it basically exploded in my hands. I don’t even know how.

There’s glass all over the room and I’m bleeding from the little shards that hit my hands and arms. Every time I think I got all the glass I find another piece. I finally get it all, replace the GPU and fire up the PC.

I hear crunching sounds that seem like they’re coming from the fans on the front. I shut down so I can vacuum out the remaining shards. As I’m taking off the glass front cover, that shit slips out of my fingers and fucking shatters on the floor.

I couldn’t do anything but laugh at that point. I cleaned up again and decided I’m not going anywhere today because it’s one of those fucking days.

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