Actually the same for the TV cart - did you notice how there was a shot of the same spot about 30 seconds before that had no TV cart there? My guess is the same - somehow the ability to project and even interact with things is more of a transmission. In fact, perhaps the entirety of the severed floor could be that sort of recreation. The only clue I can think of to the alternative is that we did see workers actually installing walls for mdr if my memory serves...
And the sky was white with no blue clear areas... Reflective of the ceiling on the severed floor
Make sure there are marshmallows with your great leaders face on them in blue
Holy hell, the shit the pants statement is so on point.
The only real issue I have with zoom is how it immediately dumps you into the call with your previous settings. Sometimes (most times) I'd rather start with the microphone muted. I'm not a regular user though, just when third party meetings get kicked off.
I'm fairly tall; just rented a Nissan Versa sedan and I almost fell uncomfortable extending the seat all the way back. Wouldn't want a child behind me, but it has surprising driver room for being a smaller sedan.
That's especially fun for those of us on motorcycles. I found a particularly horrible road to ride a sport touring bike on several years ago and would have loved this feature on osm.
I always do this when talking. When listening I can focus on eye contact just fine, but my brain will not let me waste cycles trying to maintain eye contact while thinking through communication with someone.
Given his parents, I highly doubt they were worried about teaching him about that.
I'm not your twin am I? I had mine out right before 20...
Guessing you're a male? Similar issue here too. Gets worse as you get older I've found.
Oh man I was going through it in my head too...