Guys its getting harder and harder every year to still hope this turns out okay
In some ways I wish they cut even more, act 3 felt bloated and very badly paced to the point it felt like a slog to get through.
I have 0 expectations or hopes for it. Hope some people find it fun, I personally have such a backlog of good games from trustworthy and beloved developers that the only way I'm going to get this is on a 80% discount in a few years, if ever.
I recently discovered this superior version of that scene
Unfortunately true. I've been waiting for a game like starfield for decades now, i've been hyped and disappointed by star citizen, elite dangerous, dual universe, NMS and probably many other smaller games, trying to chase down that freelancer spark once more. I won't buy it at full price for sure, but at this point I'm desperate enough to give even Todd a new chance. I really want it to be at least adequate.
Agreed 100%, I got Andromeda at a heavy discount after more than a year after the release and I was still extremely disappointed. The animations are the least of the problems that the game had, it was just an soulless formulaic empty open world with terrible writing and horrible characters and dialogue.
If it weren't a mass effect game it'd just be a commercial flop and nobody would remember it in a month. Since it was, people were disappointed instead of being apathetic. It was by no means unfairly judged though, it is a bad game.