Aww, who's the specialist little boy in the government? Who is? Who is?
I like the theory that Tesla had a long term roadmap before Elon scooped it up, and that he wasn't able to do too much to disrupt that in the early years because he was focused on LARPing as Tony Stark on the Internet, and the team that developed around him to insulate the company from him were reasonably good at their jobs. But even the best can only hold back so few bad ideas while keeping up the illusion, and the result has been gradually diminishing amount of ass.
Until that roadmap ran out, and/or Elon stopped being distracted, resulting in them designing and building the Elon.
Higher than usual, though, because Trump's ego cannot stand being told "no" even when it's a totally toothless rejection.
Something something second ammendment.
We have all let this happen in one way or another, via complacency, but y'all benefit from being a fascist state and informal empire together. Y'all can suffer the costs of it together, too.
This still assumes a president working within the law, as well as a public service loyal to the law. Trump has never done the former, and Elon's thugs are doing everything they can to remove the latter
They might not. But then, most people aren't going to do things that violate the IP rights in the first place, so they'd be willingly giving up sales.
And they're welcome to do so.
Most of the decision makers for those businesses voted for this. Let them suffer for it. Forever, if possible.
Trump wants us to kiss the ring, and his puppeteers want to break NATO. That's all that's going on here. There's no grand plan. There's just "satisfy the narcissist's ego" and "destroy the military alliance threatening Russia".
Keep in mind, the response is targeted at products that we actually produce in Canada. There should be Canadian alternatives to all of these.
We didn't choose him either, but we gotta deal.
Well, no point in resisting America's bullshit if it involves changing daily routines, I guess.
Jesus, no wonder we keep failing to change literally anything.
I've been sick since Wednesday. Nothing serious, but, like, a really stubborn cold. I've slept like shit, and so has everyone else in the house because of that. I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, though.
Just in time for karate tomorrow D: