Can I recommend organized things like an art class, cooking class, recreational sport league, etc? They have this really great benefit of having a consistent and per-arranged schedule, and interpersonal interactions with a pre-established purpose.
I joined an intro rec softball league a few years ago, and have branched into things like karate lessons. They've been surprisingly good environments to just engage as much or as little as I want/need. Plus, they help overcome my inertia and actually move around some.
As much as I enjoy Wilhoit's Law, it always gets leveraged in a way that pointed at supporters of particular political parties.
The thing is, Wilhoit uses a fundamentally different definition of "conservstive" from what most people mean. He's not pointing out the MO of a given political party in that quote. He's criticising the very nature of the state, and of a stratified society.
Which is fair. It's just not the kind of thing you pull out to thumb your nose at political opponents.
The whole comment, for reference: