Southern United States
Nothing currently. Been kicking around trying out OBOD or one of the other druid organizations in the USA. Options severely limited here in the rural southern United States, aka "The Bible Belt." Unfortunately I feel like I have to stay fairly closeted to avoid persecution.
How beautifully written and happy Samhain to you all. All my love to all of you, those who have passed away, those who are yet to come, and the Wheel for continuing to turn!
I was following Light Phone for a long time but ended up not pulling the trigger. For me the hard thing to reconcile was whether ditching my smartphone would really make my life simpler or not. I really value having a good camera in my pocket to catch special moments instead of having to plan to take a camera with me. GPS maps means I don't have to think about getting where I need to go. Having apps for banking, utilities, etc. Helps me take care of things on the fly and not have to spend time sitting at a computer sorting my affairs.
But smartphones have that temptation to mindlessly scroll reddit, watch YouTube, and Google things you don't really need to. Sometimes having to use our restraint can be draining, so having a detox is definitely worth it. I'm happy for anyone who's found what works for them to simplify their life and be more present and happy.
I say one thing about smartphones though, they're getting to daggum big!!! I wish I could get a thin smartphone with edge to edge 4.5 inch screen. Small in my pocket, not big enough to entice over using, but capable for doing what I need. Someone make it!!!! Best ive seen is the iPhone mini 13. Might upgrade to that when my pixel 4a dies.
Thank you and Merry Mabon to you as well ❤️
For nonbinary decisions, You can also tell it to roll a die of any size, like a d10, d20, or a fair dice that doesn't mean exist like a D7. You can also just have it pick a number between X and Y, but thats not as fun haha.
I didn't really get that sentiment from the article. To me the author seems to emphasize the importance of religion/spirituality as important for providing an "existential orientation," although that point is somewhat obscured by their flowery, albeit precise, language. Though they do wrap up with that odd citation about having a cultural council, which seemed a bit out there for me.
Great article that discusses a lot of the good and bad of living an agrarian lifestyle. Simple definitely does not necessarily mean easy, but it can be rewarding by both qualities.
Something that comes to my mind is that you can definitely live a purely agrarian lifestyle like it were the 1800s or older as long as you take the lifestyle lock, stock, and barrel with it's benefits and hardships; people have been living this way for ages. But, I think what most people want are the benefits afforded by this lifestyle (the simplicity, feeling close to nature, working with your hand, etc) but to also enjoy the modern luxuries we're accustomed to (like technology, healthcare, etc), but it's really difficult to make this lifestyle support these desires.
What's worked for me is a hybrid lifestyle. I have a small house and a little land, I raise a big garden and my wife cans, so we grow most of our own food, but it's not a business, though we sometimes sell to a local restaurant and on Facebook when we have extra. We work really hard and try to be frugal, but we both also work part time jobs to make money, which gives a better return on investment for our time than we can get trying make it Simple living lifestyle support our modern needs. So we incorporate modern life employment to make simple living feasible and comfortable, but strive for simple living to make modern life minimized and tolerable.
Have a great day everyone!
Lol this is awesome! Did you draw this or plug the text into an AI art generator?
I actually download that app a while back but haven't played with it yet! This sounds awesome! Ill definitely put time into learning to use it. Thank you!
Maybe there's a good middle road. come up with, say, 3 breakfast plans and 5 lunch plans that you rotate between. For what it's worth, my breakfast is a bowl of pecan granola with homemade almond milk and some fresh berries (usually blueberries) with a cup of coffee. For lunch I have an OM mushroom protein shake to drink and eat a roasted red pepper hummus sandwich with a spinach salad topped with olive oil and vinegar and a side of carrots/cucumbers/apple or something else from the garden.
Now that I think of it. I guess I do change things up a bit. So could have some staple items and them some items that you change for variety, but it's not overwhelming like planning a whole meal. Like how I change my granola berries and my lunch side fruit/veggie occasionally
Great idea!