Can you fix the quality, maybe? That image is pretty grainy.
"Gosh, I hope so, they were the whole reason I approached you!"
He's defunding efforts to install EV chargers, but wants to outfit the state department in EVs?
I'm glad you thought of this, because I was very confused by this post. I thought the question was asking which group of countries you'd want to be allowed to visit.
“The accounts are key components of the defendant’s popular and lucrative commercial enterprise,” Zlozower’s lawsuit states. “Defendant has over 12 million followers on [Facebook], and over 6 million followers on [Instagram], and over 5 million followers on [X] — all of which are monetized and provide significant financial benefits to the defendant.”
Among the images are some of Ozzy standing with Zakk Wylde and hugging the late Randy Rhoads, who died in 1982.
What an unbelievable shit-heel.
Sure, will do. I'm always reluctant to tag people unnecessarily; I'm sure you get enough notifications as is, but I'll do that here in the future if this comes up again.
Are there any specific details we can include in these sort of reports that are helpful to you? Network logs, for example?
"I reject and resent the implication that congressional Democrats are simply standing by passively," said Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.).
Well, maybe do something to show us what you are doing. My state's rep recently sent out a very encouraging email to his mailing list going into detail on what Democrats in general, and he personally, are currently doing to fight back. Is Richie Torres doing that? (Honest question, I don't know, not on their mailing list.)
Gender neutral pronouns are just so much more convenient; I tend to use them even when I know someone's gender. I do wish English had some common-use ones that were explicitly singular, though.
I have a Kwain deck that has no win condition. The entire basis for the deck is to give everyone cards and life and mana and keep everyone alive long enough to draw, resolve, and protect a Divine Intervention. Typically by the time that happens, when I manage it, the entire table has drawn through their entire libraries at least once. I've never had anyone - regardless of the power level of the table - tell me they found the deck to be oppressive or unfun to play against. However, it has a Fierce Guardianship in it, so I guess it's degenerate now.
What’s the criteria for game changers?
If that list is exhaustive, it seems to be "An arbitrary subset of powerful cards in each color, chosen more or less at random".
As an example, Trinisphere is on the colorless list, which is very good at slowing down degenerate decks and isn't really problematic in commander in decks that would fall into bracket 3 anyway, but Winter Orb, one of the more hated effects in the game, is suspiciously absent.
Edit: I guess they're excluding things that fall into the 'land denial' category (which itself is very weirdly laid out. What about Liliana of the Veil? It can destroy at least half of a player's lands, but only a single player, and it's not the primary function of the card. Their definition of land denial includes 'multiple players', so is that fine? Can you play the card if you're not using it for that purpose?). What if player A plays Enchanted Evening, and player B has Tranquility in hand - are they disallowed from playing it, because it would, due to the current boardstate, destroy all of the lands? What if you have both in your deck - neither card alone destroys lands, but together they do. Same goes for cards like Kormus Bell and Living Lands combined with e.g. Pyroclasm.
In that case, what about Nether Void? Having Trinisphere but not Nether Void is a weird choice. How about Humility, or Smokestack? If I was creating a list of cards that ruin the fun for some subset of the table when they're cast, those would certainly be on it. Mana Breach doesn't fit their definition of land denial; neither does Vorinclex, but Vorinclex is explicitly on The List, whereas Mana Breach is not. I'm curious where they got this list from.
My play group has a set of deck building guidelines that we all follow, and a prohibition on mass land destruction is in there. There's a couple people with lands-heavy ramp decks, which go basically unchecked, because the cards you'd typically use to keep such a strategy in check are disallowed.
It's like a what?