I am reading Dostoievsky for the first time. "The double".
I was afraid this author was going to be super dense and difficult, but I was wrong. I'm enjoying it a lot!
Love this!
What kind of toys do you suggest? I have lots of sticks with feathers and small mice or balls to chase, but at some point they get bored of everything.
They are indoor cats. I will try the grass, but ask the vet as well because it is becoming a bit of an obsession.
They also throw the pots to the floor all the time and make a mess.
I worry they will try to jump to anything hanging. Its not a big apartment so they have high furniture everywhere to jump to anything in the ceiling...
Really, how can I stop them from eating my plants? Some don't have leaves anymore. They are not even edible. They are even biting the cacti for some reason.
I put the plants out of reach and that only made them figure out new ways to reach higher furniture.
I can't not share zefrank's short about this bird: https://youtube.com/shorts/bhpkyClvUUg