More OC porn
I want to use you
None of the geoengineering solutions address the other major issue with our fossil fuel usage, which is ocean acidification. Even if we could just lower the temperature, lots of the CO2 pumped into the air gets absorbed into the oceans, like in a bottle of soda, making it more acidic. When this happens, it makes it harder for all the life at the bottom of the food chain to form, causing a mass die off at the base. If things get bad enough It could lead to the collapse of the food chain and we would just starve to death.
Yes please! Take your time
Eh. Had kids over. And I was getting over a slight cold.
How about you?
I would never pull out
Well our US government won’t do a damn thing. Even if they wanted to, everyone there is so old, they’re still trying to understand what this interwebs thing is anyways. Most users can’t be bothered to care until it’s too late. I guess we’ll have to punt to the EU to do something about it.
Oh we’re going to need some Gatorade!
I used to travel for work full time and always stayed in Marriotts. Never had any complaints.
Wait a second. Is there decent sex on Netflix? Where is it?!