It's not useless in western countries. We don't all have our entire country communicating via Metas WhatsApp lol
It's not about that. It's about moving people over.
You know why RCS is picking up steam? Because it's 1 app. If the person you're talking to has RCS, you'll send messages via RCS. If they don't, it'll fall back to SMS. If RCS was a separate app from SMS, adoption would be really low.
Older people especially don't want to juggle 2 apps. If you get your dad on signal, and then his friend who uses SMS messages him, he'll be back in his SMS app and won't go back to signal, meaning the next time he messages you, or anyone else that has signal, he'll instead just send an SMS since he's already in the SMS app.
Removing SMS fallback was a surefire way to kill adoption of signal.
It's just easier to use a single app. I don't use any of the services I mention to send any private info. Like I said in a different reply, Telegram is for unraid notifications, WhatsApp is for my landlord to yell at me, and Discord is public servers.
All already public info or basic alerts. I'd prefer just not having a bunch of apps installed.
I don't use any of the services I mentioned to send any private or personal info. They could all be public tweets for all I care. I care more about my location data and other data these individual apps would get access to, over the messages I send through them.
Like Telegram is used strictly for unraid notifications, WhatsApp with my landlord, and Discord is public servers.
Nothing private at all.
I'd rather they have my messages vs WhatsApp, Discord, Telegram, etc. all having individual access to my photos, location, all of my phone sensor data, etc.
Like I said, many apps refuse to work properly if you deny them permissions, but Beeper doesn't.
Why? In Canada they offered a pre-order deal. Buy a phone, get a free $500 watch. You can sell the watch and you're laughing.
I prefer Beeper because I don't need multiple other chat apps installed and grabbing my data.
Yes, you have to trust Beeper.
I personally found it when I was forced to use WhatsApp with my landlord, and refuse to install any meta apps on my phone. I've since linked Telegram and Discord.
Not to mention many of those apps require permissions to work, but I can easily deny them on Beeper and Beeper doesn't care.
Plus dating apps. When I used to be on Tinder, a bunch of girls stopped talking to me once we moved off Tinder and my bubble showed up green lmao.
Now? They've had controls for nearly 2 years at least.
I love it. I just wish we were allowed to manually pick the 3 colours.
Windows put a watermark on your desktop and locks you out of personalization if you don't pay.
Watermark can be disabled with a simple registry editor change. Or the entirety of windows can just be activated with a single command prompt command.
Even if you're not into pirating, you can use windows without a key without issues. They honestly don't care.
That's great. Most older people aren't juggling two apps.
I'm also not sending baby photos because fuck kids, but if I wanted to send photos, it wouldn't be compressed over signal or WhatsApp.