Sikh's are based, a genuinely lovely group they really do try to practice what they preach.
I believe that quote is from Terry Pratchett.
Change your diet.
Is it to stop the bogs from becoming a piss sauna?
I'd like to have a nice sleep in a cool room, I'm fucking knackered now.
Don't tickle my balls mate, just post it.
I'd disagree, it doesn't need to be a gaming franchise at all. It didn't need to be films either, as much as I enjoyed them, not everything has to be franchised out and milked for all it's worth.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could admire works of art and appreciate them for what they are instead of having vultures circle above looking to extract the very marrow of what makes it special.
I'd support a limit, the so called "supermods" were a detriment to Reddit overall. Not to mention, as others have stated" they end up being egoistical petty kings of their fiefs. If I see gallowboob on here I'll be right upset.
Haha I have no idea what it does either, good shout though 👍
Nice one mate :) Could save some embarrassment, not for me of course.
No, any high oily diet would do that veggie or not. Vegetarianism doesn't necessarily equal healthy food that's good for your gut, if your stool is genuinely greasy please examine your diet.
Apologies if this came off as attacking you I've just gotten up and could have written my initial comment to be less direct.