On redistricting, the court ultimately selected a congressional map drawn by Evers. But it was one that leaned Republican anyway, after the court called for a new map that hewed as closely as possible to the old one. A similar and more protracted fight also broke out over legislative lines — and more challenges to the maps could arise in future years, especially if the balance of the court flips.
I think this is the most important part, at least within the context of electoral politics. Wisconsin's mighty gerrymanders have been credited with effectively ending Democracy in the state as Democrats need to get over 60% of the vote to win, a score they've failed to get from much more favorable states like Connecticut, California and New York in 2022, alongside regularly verging on being a 2/1 superminority in both chambers. A new court could force the WI legislature to draw a fair map or do it themselves, so Evers isn't sitting alone in his desk, veto-ing every terrible thing the WIGOP comes up with.
Didn't watch the video, but going by the thumbnail, "not leaving your least developed areas/poorest people behind to suffer" is nowhere near Communism. Any Social Democrat can do that, hell, Joe Biden can do that.