
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Great tip! I tried stuff with but not that! I'll give it a try!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I don't think they hide it, as it's not in the hidden folder, but it understand to not give you back the same post. Or make it less important, it can happen I see it again a bit later

Sync on phone you can hold a discussion to close it

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

The Sync app is great, only thing that bothered me compared to Reddit was that I would see again and again posts I've seen in the day when reopening the app later in the day, haven't tried anyting else yet

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (8 children)

The problem for me was not Lemmy. I still believe in Lemmy, the Prolem was that really was not user friendly. I'm writting this from which someone told me about and it's awesome! Looks wayyy more like Mastodon and something from today :D

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

HOLY I closed that callout faster than anything I have before

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

Thank you so much!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 months ago (6 children)

I feel like energy storage has been the challenge since I learned what a computer is, it really is the 3rd wheel of the cab

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

This took me 4 hours when I could have studied Corporate Finance

I'd say the Net Présent Value of this project was worth it

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

Thank you very much!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

This is the most addictive thing I've done in a while. It's rare to find something where just two clicks can help in a bigger project, and at least where I live there are thousands on tiny dots to check

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I've just finished making my Streetcomplete account! And I've got some work around me it's gonna be fun

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

It works really well and has been my go too for studies last year


I don't see where in the option is the button to make "Subscribe" the main choice when I open Sync, can anyone help me find it?


Hey, I've been looking at what I'm subscribed to on Lemmy and it really grim, and not really what I want from a social media. I'm into tech, but the tech subs talk about evil things companies do, a lot of linux meme and programmer humor, and it's all cool and all, piracy talking about how it's bad what certain company do. And when you go in global it's "Amercan Politics" "Elon Musk Bad" "Stealing data", "our world ending"

Recently my brother and I where bored, and I went to show him we moved to lemmy, and said we had memes and all the stuff here. And looking at top memes, it was "complaining about big tech", and "complaining on windows".

And, I miss a bit all I had on Reddit not going to lie.

So is there any active community with some positive things anywhere you'd recommend. I just feel like I'm in a bad angry environment.

I've got:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Edit: Wow! If you come after, I'd truly, truly invite you to look around in the comments, people here truly changed the way I see Lemmy, its way different now! Way better!


Browsing the web and arrived to this, I must admit I'm quite disappointed by how some people are willing to discuss something without liking it from the beginning. This really paints a negative image of ergonomic keyboards. Feels like i'm watching someone review a 800$ solid copper cooler


First I'd like to say thank you for having various font and the possibility to change the size. I'm on a OnePlus font and stock I cannot change fonts so I love having choices!

I really appreciate also having access to Open Dyslexia, I've used it for multiple months personally, and have found the Atkinson Hyperlegible is really good too, and looks to the people around eying your phone a bit less alienating and easier to start using for a lot of people!

Thank you for the app and have a great day!


Ok, here me out, this is so small compare to other c/mildlyinfuriating that people would not casually read what I have to say.

For the last 3 months I've had hiccups 5 times. And I have hiccedup 6 times in total. In Juin It happened for the first time. I had hiccuped once and it reminded me of stories about "telling yourself your not a fish" so at the second hiccup I told myself, "I am not a fish"

Boom, nothing at all. I was mad. Why. God damn why. I am almost now pissed I am not hiccupping this make no sense.

But maybe, it was a random one in a hundred lucky moment where I told it to myself when it naturally stopped. And I awaited the next time .

End of the month of Juin. Going down the stairs from the cafeteria after eating with people,

I had one.

The second it happened I thought to myself how angry I was before and instantly told myself "I am not a fish". And nothing after... Oh boy I was fuming, there is no reason on earth that thinking I am a biped, a homo sapiens sapiens. How can my brain forget that I sapiens the sapiens and goes back to fish mode. You have the capacity if you'd wish to, to build rockets, but you forget your a human and find a bribe of fish DNA in me somewhere, wow

So I continued for the next two month. And after 3 month of evaluation, I have come to the conclusion that for me, this indeed works, but have not accepted the fact this .

Thank you for hearing this, and I can only invite you to try it, I personally almost missed the funny feeling of hiccups today doing it almost automatically


I am in the process of looking between repairing my phone or switching to a new one. And the no brainer evolution to the OnePlus 7 Pro I have is a Pixel phone. Pixel Phones are definitely not perfect, I know that the battery would fall faster than other phones but hey, that's ok, google chip in it, possibility to go GrapheneOs, all good.

But the A versions only having 128 GB, and needing to pay 100 extra Euro on the Normal and Pro phone for 256GB is ridiculous, and not allowing me to add a SD card for that! Is insane I restarted my phone in December fresh from zero, and in the last 9 months I used 163 GB of memory. 48GB of it is my music on Deezer, for which I pay to be able to download "HIFI" files which I am not willing to trade for using less space on my phone, I work in a place with no 4G, I've got a few playlist I switch between. The rest is 25 GB of Pictures, 7GB of games. 44GB of apps.

Now the answer to this is "Well now with your Pixel phone you can use the Google Cloud, Google Docs blablabla". Something insights by Google offering 3 month of Google one and 3 month of YouTube premium when you buy a Pixel phone. So much cloud that's soo cool! And you can just redownload things when you need it. Well I don't want to redownload my musics everyday when I listen to them, I don't want to trade and limit what I would call normal use. I know not everyone will resonate with this, but the carbon impact on bandwidth used from cloud in 4G is important.

Normalise SD cards, Normalise not using the Cloud as a solution for everything

Update 2 Days later

Hey, writting here because this post has brought a lot of people to talk about storage of data on phone, which is quite nice. I am writting here just because a lot of comments are repeating certain points and It wouldn't be useful answering to all of them if after their will be more comments saying the same thing.

I am not saying Cloud = Bad. It's great we have a place out there where we can Store Data in case anything happens. I simply wish either brand gave us more choice on data capacity, seeing a Pixel 7a only at 128 gb ain't cool, let me make a choice. Seing a Pixel & with 128gb or having to pay an extra 100€ for 256gb when a sd card is 30€ is not cool.

A personal server is in my plans, and it's one of the projects I'm the most impatient to have.

I understand that I have a different use of phones then the average, I simply want to be able to adapt the tools I use to my different use.

I have taken the step to take a look at the storage in my phone by curiosity and to look with a different eye my consomption of Storage, and have deleted 3gb of games, and 3gb of apps that where useless. I've also started looking into my photos and took out 3gb of photos I had which where useless. And I think there is more photos I'll delete, I am not done on that of course

My signal discussion are important to me, I am in a Long Distance Relationship, and discussions I have with my SO on Signal are the major part of my relationship, and I cherish them. I have set up signal so that it makes when charging at night a copy of my discussions, and when I have Sincthing, it loads the conv to a HDD Drive on my PC. That being said, in the floders I found bugged temp file from saves that did not end, for a total of 20 gb of Signal discussions (oof lol) which where deleted too. How ridiculus was it? Well in Storage>Files the weight of total files dropped from 20,68gb to 0,68gb

Anyway, I am now at 132gb :D! I'm not writting this because I am feeling attacked or to defend myself, just as a small update and because these are reocuring comment that's all, i'm still anwering here and there if you arrive a bit latter to the post, it's impressive from lemmy I feel to still be receiving comments and have a discussion that continues 2 day after a post. Usually on Reddit posts would die in 6 hours, and their where no dick's in the chat. I've read every single message, and answers other people did


Writing a Good Bad Guy in Books (In Fact any media) is the "classic choice" sometimes they are really poorly made, and don't work. Other times, they are loved so much that when the character was only added to kill the hero, they end up becoming an Icon

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