Not quite sure to be honest. There were 6 of us and the subreddit has 115,000 so kinda small to moderate in size, but good luck to whatever happens over on reddit. If they think there were shitposts, bots and nsfw content where they're shouldn't be before imagine in the future. People in r/Moustache were getting sexual comments and private dm's in which we had to resolve and I highly doubt a new mod is going to be able to handle this. Not many people want to go mod for free.
Hey everyone, well checked my mod mail and we've been served. I personally have been using Apollo Lifetime to mod for years now and the official reddit app is a dumpster fire so basically I have no way of modding r/Moustache, r/BeardTalk or r/Beardstache. I guess this is the end of the road for me as a mod over on reddit, not like I was getting paid anyway!!
Edit: To add more insult to the situation, I can’t even send a response to the message. It appears they don’t give a damn what mods have to say (not that it wasn’t obvious before). Either open up the subreddit or your out.
Isn’t it entertaining to watch?!! I’ve gone through a few bags of popcorn over the course of the last few days🍿🍿
I personally closed 4 subreddits yesterday. Happy to play my part.🤣🤣
I also bought lifetime for Apollo and did all my modding from that app. I literally can’t mod (I have been for 7 years) now, so what can I do? I’m not going to go out of my way to go on my laptop just to mod, I’m not getting paid. So today I set all the subreddits I mod to private indefinitely, deleted 8.5 years of comments and posts and logged out.
The way they treated Christian was the worst type of behavior I’ve ever seen a company (shit bag CEO) ever treat a developer that literally created an app to help serve the website better, like wtf.
Steve Huffman and reddits admins are beginning to remind me of a rabid chihuahua.
Btw, since Reddit is censoring it I’ll say it here, FUCK u/spez!!