Now if only polls mattered, then we could be on our way to making sure the majority of the people who participated in polls are happy!
I think the older you get, the more you realize to just cherish every day you have. One day I'll die and I won't have to struggle and fight anymore, but I also won't be able to do the things I like and spend time with those I enjoy being around. Knowing I'll eventually die gives my life meaning as I don't know how long I have, just that I'm here now and every day needs to count.
From what I've seen, every push to have everyone return to the office has either been that they just want control over employees or they want butts in seats because the seats aren't free. It's never been about productivity as folks that work from home normally are always happy to drive in to the office if they have to. What's the different if they drive in during morning rush hour traffic vs at lunch time when they only have to physically be in the office for a few hours.
I think a large part of the push for return to work is definitely the control of employees when management actively selects for people who are sociopaths.
It's spelled "Infanty", did you even read the infographic?