
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Just realized he died, but the red bull owner also was a right wing populist who had questionable content published through his TV channel. Also the original drink tastes... not great and is quite expensive

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 days ago

This is what happens when you don't use crypto as god intended: purchasing medication from India and subscriptions to indexers.

I'm not saying this is what I bought Monero for.

But this is what I bought Monero for.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Meanwhile me on the train:

Actually bought this exact drink at Yorma's in Cologne before taking the train to Leipzig, get bent aviation boys

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Renteneintrittsalter ist so eine Sache. Eine starre Grenze ergibt aus meiner Sicht relativ wenig Sinn. Für gewisse Berufsgruppen (meine inbegriffen) ergibt ein höheres Eintrittsalter wahrscheinlich Sinn. Für einen Maurer wahrscheinlich weniger. Und ich kann auch nicht jeden beliebig umschulen.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Meine Antwort war auch nicht zu 100% Ernst gemeint, sondern sollte sich über gewisse Entscheidungsträger lustig machen. Ich habe noch nie ein Betriebssystem über seinen Support-Zeitraum hinaus betrieben.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago (3 children)

7 war halt auch gut, kein Grund, das jetzt vorschnell auszutauschen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

The CD wasn't really suited to be played Mobile (though I did have a portable CD player). It should rather be compared to vinyl in that regard.

I think tapes are great because no portable audio player ever came close to the Walkman regarding its cultural impact. The fact that anyone could record tapes opened up a lot of creative options.

For properly mastered music to be enjoyed at home on a potentially expensive setup, the CD was very close to perfect.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Who doesn't like Roquefort? Might wanna check your taste buds, shit's delicious

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Das Problem ist faktisch das gleiche wie bei den USA: ohne das wissen des Herstellers kann ich die Systeme nicht dauerhaft betreiben. Bei den großen Telkos wissen sie wohl zum Teil gar nicht mehr, wie irgendetwas beim Mobilfunk funktioniert. Da operiert Huawei dann quasi White Label und es kommt nur der Aufkleber des Anbieters drauf. Wenn China die Arbeit untersagt, liegen die Netze brach, auch ohne Hintertür. Oder halt die Jets, je nachdem, auf welches Produkt man schaut.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Why do you think the entirety of Europe has ordered so many F-35.

The reason for Germany is that other aircraft, by choice, have not been certified for use with US nuclear weapons.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago

This is so stupid, it'd be hard to make up. Confusing transgenic with transgender. Holy shit. But probably par for the course for the guy who has trouble differentiating mental asylums and political asylum

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Always cool to see people implement stuff, regardless if it is a good product at the current point in time.

Btw, there is also jujutsu which also implements git, but it's not written in zig. I'm case you want to use something that's git the protocol, but not git the cli and you're not that adventurous.


… remember you're not as useless as this Banana:


Just stumbled upon this in my recommended videos. I didn't create this.


After having a lot of trouble on the previous stake using the deck, this was a breeze (first try back to back after Definitely not flawless, but still good result.

Some facts about the run:

Recently started recording my runs because I thought it's nicer than just screenshots, this turned out to be my best one so far. Sure the hand score is skewed due to Plasma, but hey, I don't make the rules.

No, I'm not expecting anyone to watch this whole thing.


First time actually having a working deck around madness. Was good enough to reach Ante 13.


This is one of the best buffon packs I ever got, and it was the very first one I opened that run… and at that point, neither of them did anything (since it's abandoned deck). Blueprint was still appreciated but I thought it was a fun coincidence that technically, neither of these would help right after selecting.

Finished the run, was low stakes anyways but wanted to share the situation.


Beat gold today on phone (previous time was on PC) after hitting a wall before... and it was on a deck that looked really unimpressive in both cards and jokers so I thought I'd share, kind of a contrast to the screenshots of super sick setups. It was kind of close in points but money was never an issue. I ran delayed gratification first half which synergized with green.

No negative, foil or polychrome jokers, and only a single holographic. Two common, two uncommon, one rare.

It looks really boringly unoptimized, which I think makes it interesting, strangely enough.


Such a lucky run so far (Red Deck Gold difficulty)… Not quite sure yet what to do, probably sell the tarot joker for the blueprint

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just upgraded my NixOS machine after switching to nixos-unstable-small because I think unstable will take some time to update as getting 24.11 out has the highest priority.

Anyhow, two of my packages stopped me from applying a new configuration, as some packages have been changed when reorganizing into pkgs/by-name. I fixed it and wanted to share as this will hit others running unstable with these packages as soon as hydra catches up.

nerdfonts (now nerd-fonts)

Package was renamed, which it will state on evaluation; individual fonts are now part of the nerd-fonts attribute. I had Source Code Pro in there, there was some kind of mapping, which looked kind of like in – the new way is now to just use nerd-fonts.sauce-code-pro directly, you can probably do something like ++ with nerd-fonts; [ sauce-code-pro other-fonts ] to add multiple nerd-fonts to your fonts list, but I haven't tested this.


Until now, cores were specified as in, however override doesn't seem to work anymore. There's now the withCores attribute / function that expects a function that returns a list. The easiest way I found to just specify a fixed list of cores was (retroarch.withCores (_: with libretro; [ snes9x mupen64plus fbneo flycast ])). Maybe other options are easier / cleaner.

Word of warning on compiling nixos-unstable-small

There are currently a lot of packages to be built if you change into that channel (I'm using flakes, but you get my point). Due to the default value of auto for nix.settings.max-jobs, this meant nix tried to build 24 derivations at the same time. This is fine if these are just downloaded from hydra, but if you try to build 24 big derivations at the same time, each trying to use 24 threads because nix.settings.cores is also 0 by default, which means all threads, build processes quickly ate all of my 32GB of RAM so that the OOM killer had to intervene, however often too late with my system dying. I recommend to set nix.settings.max-jobs to something more reasonable before attempting this (I used 1).


Watched the Game Finals today, excellent match with unexpected characters. In fact I was most surprised at the total lack of Goldlewis players in top 6.

Looking forward to season 4

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