I’ll tell them you’ve said so!
Haha, bet!
Orange kitties have a special place in my heart as well.
There’s the option for folks to adopt them together but they may all go to different homes. They’d be a laugh riot if they got to stay together, that’s for sure.
Oh these are lovely. You have a nice eye. They make me want to stop and study each shot to understand the scale. Very enjoyable to look through, thank you.
Absolutely amazing. It continues to blow my mind how there’s so much complexity and beauty all around us that we can’t even begin to appreciate without technological assistance.
Aaahahahahaha… I feel attacked.
Such handsome fellas. They must have brought a lot of joy.
Who’s a handsome boy?? Worf’s a handsome boy!
So lovely. This would mark a beautiful painting.
This was really well said. I second it.
Our society can be, at times, so unjust and irrational. Two of my biggest mental health nemesis’s in life. And two of the things my NT friends and family don’t understand why I get so fixated on. I feel like I’m screaming into a dark void when they don’t understand my concern— because, the way I see it, if everyone cared about injustice even half as much as I do/did, the world would be an incredibly kind, safe, beautiful place to be.
Before I started therapy and meds I was literally driving myself batshit insane feeling completely out of control all the time. I had to learn to redirect my energy on what I actually could control: my mental self-care, and being emotionally healthy enough to help those in my social onion layer who need it.
I’m sorry we have to feel this way. And I truly hope anyone who can relate to this finds some solace and new wisdoms about it. Much love.
Zoey can see deep into my soul. What a gorgeous baby.