Wait did you post this before the DC one tonight?!
I was you two years ago. Then I took a photo of a strange mushroom and posted it online, only to be told it was a choice lions mane and an incredibly valuable and delicious find. Cue four hours consuming all the resources I could to make sure this thing wouldn't kill me, before eating the tiniest nibble and waiting 24 hours. Yep, it was delicious alright, and because I survived the night, I ate more. I fried it in garlic butter and threw it in soups, I dehydrated it and used it as a thickener. I found more and ate more. Then I learned about chicken of the woods - very distinct with no dangerous lookalikes. Another delicious experience. And so I bought some books. And went on more hikes. Turns out, what I had thought of as danger was just lack of knowledge. I know not to walk in front of a moving car, despite them being all around. Learn what not to eat, learn the ones that can be confused, learn the ones you can't really fuck up IDing, and it's not as scary as it seems.
Also fair. Whatever helps.
Little old lady spends 20 months in prison for blocking a main road and being mad at rich people.
President of the United States, insurrectionist, creep, man who suggested he'd got a Nazi to hack the elections, certified felon, spends ZERO months in prison and gets to have a party.
This is why I smoke weed.
+1 your mom is cool. You'd better call her!
It shortens their life span. I got these chickens as pseudo pets with benefits, so it seemed shitty to do that. Just cos their brains are little, doesn't mean we can harm them for our own gain.
Wait, but why does that work?!
That's cool - Weird Al is awesome.
That sounds delicious and also dangerous.
As a girl, this reads like positive emotion that makes her feel embarrassed or guilty. Is she in a relationship with someone else? Maybe she's fighting something she feels towards you.
Omg I have one. Sara Lee chocolate gateaux. It was this triple layer cake of delight, and my parents would buy it for every party back in the 90s. This was before chocolate got shit, so it was alllllll of the good stuff. Probably some cocaine in there too, who knows. I fucking miss that cake.
My dad would always say "don't say sorry, DO sorry". The apology will be present in your words and actions.