Thanks for the offer it’s really kind but I have everything I need with public torrents.
Could you explain what this is? A torrent aggregator?
I was using torrent galaxy.
Binding VPN to torrent client didn’t work?
Would it still work with subtitles? My husband is deaf so if the comedy works a lot of with tone and stuff it wont work for us.
Thanks for the suggestion though!
The monitor we own is ancient and 720p so were good ahah
Most of them had between 5-50 active seeders, the majority around 20.
I’ll wait and see. I’m in no rush anyways.
If Trump cuts social security, it’s euthanasia for me. I’m too disabled to care for myself and prefer killing myself than starving in the streets.
Preferred to the original.
But real thing should be. Vote, it won’t change much, but it’s a start. If you truly believe in change, you should be doing much more, but never let go of the right to vote.
I was liking you until I saw this meme. I was about to subscribe to anaval.
I’m an anarchist and think we should seek to destroy the state. I also think it matters that while the state exists we should make it so that the least people possible suffer. By not voting, you are contributing to immense suffering.
Due to my memory problems I don’t remember most of what I read for long. But I really enjoyed a deep dive into learning about purpoises the other day. If you’re ever bored, or want to get through a commute, reading random wikipedia pages and seeing where the links take you is quite enjoyable in my opinion.
I’m deaf and mute. I was focusing on Manifold Learning but due to neurocognitive deficits I’m unable to continue with math. I’m able to use my phone and communicate sometimes but most of the time I’m only able to be alone with my thoughts. But I do enjoy watching some repetitive shows when my condition permits (animated sitcoms tend to be the easiest to follow with my cognitive problems).
Though what I spend most of the time I’m able to go on my phone is endlessly scrolling through wikipedia and learning new things, it’s what really excites me.
Yes, My friend,
When I was homeless,
I had “chosen” to be disabled,
“chosen” to live in a country where applying for benefits takes years,
“chosen” to live in a country where healthcare costs weren’t covered after I lost my job,
“chosen” to live in a country where the landlord’s profit was more important than my survival.