
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Is that why the Saudis bought in? Or was that just so they could help expand their sports tournaments on Trump's properties?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I just wish these people would start a giant class action lawsuit against Fox and other media outlets that distorted, promoted, and openly lied about what his campaign promises and words were and meant. I would find it hard to believe they couldn't give enough evidence to a judge that those media companies intentionally pushed false narratives that ultimately promoted racism, sexism, and the like. When you have just about every expert in economics that say tariffs are taxes that will cost the everyday consumer more money, and they are going out of their way to find and or pay one that doesn't agree with the majority and reporting it as news it can't be misconstrued as anything other than manipulation. Economics isn't opinion, it's math for the most part. "He's bringing down your taxes! What about the other taxes he's putting on us? Those aren't taxes! They are negotiations" hogwash.

If I were Prince Andrew I'd be suing them for defimation of some kind as well. 100s of times they have brought up Epstein recently on Fox and conservative media and keep calling attention to the possibility/likelyhood that Andrew is involved. Yet far more information about Trump's involvement is there and even though that is the person who holds the Presidency of the country they are reporting on all day, not someone who lives overseas and has no impact on your life and never will, they are pointing at him over and over and over. Is Andrew guilty? Maybe, probably. Is Trump guilty, well he's already paid hush money for it once.

It was a huge ordeal when the U.S. tried to get a U.S. citizen back who smoked weed in Russia. When the U.S. tries to get back someone raping and trafficking minors, they tried to just brush it off. I heard about that athlete who had pot for weeks.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Didn't the AI that Musk currently owns say there was like an 86% chance Trump was a Russian asset? You'd think the guy would be smart enough to try to train the one he has access to and see if it's possible before investing another $200 billion in something. But then again, who would even finance that for him now? He'd have to find a really dumb bank or a foreign entity that would fund it to help destroy the U.S.

How did your last venture go? Well the thing I bought is worth about 20% of what I bought it for... Oh uh... Yeah not sure we want to invest in that.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

Especially when a majority of the migrants have come legally on work Visas and such and then over stayed those Visas. Hard to call those people invading when they were here via legal processes.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago

Nah they would have added more fees to subsidize the protections they weren't going to put in place. Then reach out to the government for subsidies to put these protections in place. Then give bonuses, stock buy backs and when it happened again, they'd raise the fees installed previously and consider making the upgrades if the fine threatened is high enough, if not they'll pay the fine and buy back more stock and run an ad campaign to make the company look better.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Last I knew he was finding a job to ensure his family was all good. Hopefully he just threw himself into his work and is stabilizing his family matters. Best of luck to everyone out there doing what they can to get by.

-love some doof you'll never meet

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

All it takes did include him becoming richer and a "celebrity" that likely can't be prosecuted for any of his crimes for the rest of his life.

Payback all his family loans to Russian Oligarchs , done. I mean not long ago he couldn't find financers to pay his legal bills because all his properties had money owed on them. His own son had said they didn't need U.S. banks because their funding came from Russia. Cutting off enforcement of sanctions on Russian Oligarchs likely got him some of what he needed to pay off those debts, while asking Congress to get rid of them will likely clear more.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

MAGA is a terrorist organization. Their whole missguided ideology of "ruling by strength" is just another way of saying ruling by fear. Using fear/intimidation for a political outcome is by definition terrorism. If someone says it has to be illegal (not true) we can also show the number of arrests and violations of peoples legal rights occuring all over the U.S. Breaking laws pertaining to 1st amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, 8th amendment, 9th amendment, 10th amendment, 14th amendment, 15th amendment, and the outright breaking of the law of the land (constitution) by overriding the legislature, which was the only thing keeping the U.S. a Republic.

The U.S. is negotiating with terrorists every day

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Nah, Trump made Women and Men non existent. Everyone who goes by Mr. or Ms. needs to go to jail and become slave labor. Sorry mate, best we can do

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I think Desantis did this in Florida and since no one stopped it now it will traverse every red state slowly

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

It's not Canada's fault at all. That said it's hard to compare drugs like that though. If someone gave me a pound of coke, I'd hopefully not do it, but I'd survive doing all of it within a year. If someone gave me a pound of fentanyl I know I wouldn't do it, because I couldnt survive doing that in a lifetime. Also fuck that.. I can't understand why anyone tries it


Trump disbands task force targeting Russian Oligarchs

Shocked Pikachu


Recent games: 2016...


"But tires"

Ban all vehicles over 5000lbs to start without a specialized license and extremely heavy fees to have them. EVs are dropping in weight daily, ICE vehicles have been increasing in weight to dodge policies. One is a means to an end, the other is a means to profit.

Profit for few vs humanity's existance.. which should we choose?


Water Usage - My power/water company popped up showing my water usage from December 2023 vs 2024, it claims I used 24 gallons last year and 13 gallons this December. That can't be right... how much water do you use each month?

I fill water for chickens outside, water two small garden plots, obviously dishes, showers, toilet, bidet, and the washer machine should be using a lot more than that...


The article seems to be shittily written in my opinion but I figure if you watch the video (about a minute) it will get the point across.

My question lies in, do you think this will benefit the health of the people moving forward, or do you fear it being weaponized to endorse or threaten companies to comply with the mention of Kennedy being tied to its future as mentioned in the end of the article


Life does a lot, normally figures out how doggy works, but sorry for the language. If anyone here has worked in a cooler before, not just walk in fridges for restaurants or such I am looking for advice. They inquired about boots. I assume I need gloves, but what am I forgetting? ChapStick? Unknown? Please share and if you know what is cheap to acquire maybe recommend what you know. Thanks.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Does this burning at 200 j/g really mean it would be a lot safer or do you chalk this up to be company propaganda. Clearly it is a lot lower than gasoline, but since 600-900 proved to still be an issue, could this be enough to stabilize people's fears you think?


I recently read through this and was just curious what others thought the pitfalls or unforseen issues might be with quickly or steadily transitioning to such in a fairly environmentally friendly manner.

Hate the title name, but I think I have to use the article title as the title.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

60 million apps keep getting pushed on us, and everyone wants their own... Every restaurant, gorcery store, etc.

Would it not be feasible to install all of those Kroger, Gas Stations, bloat, bloat, bloat apps on an app Server that we just have a remote access to them like a thin client from our phone in a singular app of shortcuts (look like a folder, directory) So all the apps stay installed and don't use resources on the phone. Which keeps storage requirements down on the local device and means when you go into another device you can just log in and have access to all the apps already signed in and how you left them.

Does anyone know if there is already such a setup?

It wouldn't work well with things like streaming services, but it could still cover a lot of day to day apps I don't really want to have to have on my device.

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