Sorry for the question, maybe it's not appropriate so don't answer if you don't want to but, what was the problem with Kbin? I saw many people telling it's really good so I would like to hear about the opposite.
joined 2 years ago
Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
askBeehaw: should copyright even exist at all? and if it should, how long *should* the ideal term of copyright be?
That's an interesting question, I'm not happy with the implementation of the copyright nowadays but I haven't the answer of the right implementation. The property over the ideas is not something I like but if you've been working on some IP, would it be fair if other person takes your idea and work and gets benefits using it?
I get it. Many thanks for sharing your opinion :D