OK, stick with me here. You are talking about a two party system, and one side is bad, right? You are telling us that everyone "must" vote for the other party and nothing else. And this is to save "democracy"?
Sigh.... It was the second highest voter turn out since 1932 ( when they started really counting). As of right now (total votes are still being counted, and will not finialze for weeks) it is second to 2020 by less then 15 million people.
Once again. This was the second highest voter turnout, people did show up but not for Harris.
Dems in general. Like in 2016 with the "I thought she would win" thing/lawsuit/mess. People go back to pre election things looking to blame someone or something.
Urgh, even now before the votes are all in (this will take weeks to finalize) this election was the second biggest turnout since 1932. I hate living in this "post truth" world where everyone just goes off of feelings and emotions. People turned up, for trump.
“we’re not Republicans”
Trust us, we are different. Oh how specifically are we different? What a great question, is it not the best part of this nation to be able to ask such things. Anyway, as I was saying....
Ok this line of thinking is pissing me off.
As of this right now the turn out is 140,144,378 and counting (it will be weeks before the final number).
If we look at the last 90 or so years we can see that this "sad turnout" is the second highest only behind 2020s 158,481,688.
You mean the abysmal (checks notes) second highest turn out since 1932? The turnout whose numbers are still as of right now being counted? That turnout?
Or you know, not gatekeeping but actually taking a position as a political party (instead of trying to be some grey nothing). Oh and having more then two parties would be nice.
Democrats’ decision to disregard the will of 116,000 voters could have major consequences.
Yeah, you could say that.......
Wonder where the Bingilator got the splash from. I sometimes wonder who it is impersonating when some pictures come out stylish.
The man got on a stage and did a speech parroting Mussolini. This election was wild.