We should (the west as this is not just on the states) have armed and trained the women and not the failsons.
There is already, in the r34 link above.... Ruleception
B movie? I only see a blockbuster
I live in rural Alberta. If you want an electric vehicle a lighting is the same sort of silly as a cybertruck. I was not factoring in towing, I did not mention towing, I don't think towing matters to most truck owners other then an excuse.
You should look at evs, but if you want to be environmentaly friendly buying a literal truck load of lithium batteries is not the flex you think it is.
At least someone is getting joy from the cybertruck.
Why not laugh at the lightning as well? They are both silly, over priced and over sized.
Yes that would make me feel better, and powerful.
I don't think there is any meaningful payment, but then again after reading this I would not put it past them to make some sort of pay for kids program in the future. It feels a bit dirty and I would guess quickly become abused. Great, now I have the nasty image of people farming for cash becoming a thing. Wonderful.
Stupid sexy taxes?
Took 17 tries, prompt in the Bingitlator was: "Cyber dystopian fairy world wide landscape of brutal tax collection"
Well if you look at the (granted simple) definition of fascism other then being a far right party China kinda nails it Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.[4][5][6] Under fascism, the economy and other parts of society are heavily and closely controlled by the government, usually by using a form of authoritarian corporatism, where companies and workers are supposed to work together under national unity. The government uses violence and police power to arrest, kill or stop anyone it does not think useful.[3][7]
And that then leads us to the weird concept of emulated fascism, or far left fascism. How much does it matter to someone living under a authoritarian regime what we call it anyway?
I for one welcome our new overlords. (for the funny only)