"Gals is it gay to want to survive a stabin'?"
"You wouldn't get it"
Like, in a sexual way?
How nice of them....
Its to the point they have cut the corners so much that the table is round and now they are eyeing up the legs. "Surely we don't need all those legs, right?"
But the excel spreadsheet says we saved .35 cents!
Yeah those would be cool and I would also like to know where to get them. Its too bad we live in a boring dystopia and not the cool one.
Yeap, that's why I said it was boring cybernetics.
Ah yes what boring times, we get cybernetics and what do we do with it? Run faster? Punch bricks? Jump super high?
Nope, pay for your coffee without a wallet. But hey at least you are still tracked and logged.
Any day now. This time for sure!
Oh they are deep into something, it is just is not as nice smelling as journalism
As is tradition.