Chiefs: Refs and drops
Cowboys: Refs
Commanders: Refs
Dolphins: Refs, no Ramsey, no o -line
Jets: Real Eagles
Rams: Bad team
Buccaneers: Bad team
Vikings: Vikings played their quest game of the year
Patriots: Barely squeaked by a 2-8 team.
With all these facts it’s pretty obvious the ship is going to sink eventually.
Chiefs: Refs and drops
Cowboys: Refs
Commanders: Refs
Dolphins: Refs, no Ramsey, no o -line
Jets: Real Eagles
Rams: Bad team
Commanders: Refs
Buccaneers: Bad team
Vikings: Vikings played their quest game of the year
Patriots: Barely squeaked by a 2-8 team.
With all these facts it’s pretty obvious the ship is going to sink eventually.