You missed the dunk though, his owner went broke and smalls went out of his way to support his masters wife but not his master.
That's why the military keeps screaming that they aren't doing the things he says they're doing.
They've only cashed a single check for it iirc and that was by mistake. Castro famously would show off his stack of checks from the American government.
Legal and "legal" are two separate things and businesses get creative in how to get sneaky. Go to lower income areas where you think it isn't legal and you'll probably find it anyway.
DC specifically allows liquor sales so long as the liquor and gas are purchased separately.
Half of 50 is 25, 30 is more than 25 so remind me again how exactly is it not most states.
Most of America if we're being honest.
It already says he's not qualified to be president.
The wording is no person shall be "elected" of Trump claims he won the last term too he is not legally entitled to be in office and that bill wouldn't change that fact.
I was wrong it was before the declaration of Independence.
One of the few places you can get legit quaaludes is south Africa.
50ml, they're gas station one hitter bottles.
That is one way just not one seen as particularly accurate given the fact I don't know a single person with a land line that isn't a business.