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[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Ein Verbot wurde Parteienfinanzierung und Platform entziehen. Parteivermögen wird eingezogen, vll Immunitäten aufgehoben. Die müssen sich mit Gerichtsverfahren rumschlagen. Etc.

[–] [email protected] 75 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Iirc correctly the monkey cats ( or however they are called ) actually just prefer a specific coffee plant that is more rarely used as the ones used for the vast amount of coffee in the world ( e.g. robusta or arabica). However, if the beans of this variation are used directly, it tastes exactly the same. There is a scientific paper about this. Long story short: people are drinking shat out coffee for no good reason. What is even worse, it is tried to hold these monkey cats in cages to produce more of this coffee. Again for no good reason. But people fall for the marketing pr gang that the coffee is handpicked by those animals, digested and shat out and they would not go for "yeah we need just to use another plant" because it wouldn't be so exklusive anymore...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hey, no need to apologize for anything 🙃 yeah, that phrase is a quote ire st least kind of a meme.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Quellen? Und von wem gekauft? Zumindest die Sachen die ich gelesen habe, die Marcel Fratscher so sagt finde ich nicht so verkehrt. Aber lasse mich gerne eines besseren belehren. Was genau ist schlecht an denen?

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Also don't forget about survivorship bias. We don't know how many percent of their buildings are still standing. Probably only the really really good build ones. Also never forget, any idiot can build a bridge that stands. It takes an engineer to built one that barely stands. And that is often what we are doing today. Making our stuff "good enough" as otherwise it wouldn't be economic feasible in the short or midterm. I am still curious how good it would be if we would instead aim for the long-term though..

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Blöd ist halt das unsere moderne Lebensweise viel zuckrieges und fettiges Essen anbietet aber unser nicht ganz so modernes Hirn noch nach Routinen arbeitet, wo es den shit nicht gab bzw. er selten war. Klar gibt es auch gesundes Essen, aber es ist mentale Kraft nötig um eher dazu zu greifen als zu den Chips. Und wenn gerade anderes im Leben nicht so gut läuft hat die nicht jeder und die Werbung etc ist alles auf das fettige und zuckriege ausgerichtet

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Es gäbe da so eine gelbe Partei die so Sachen wie "Freiheitsenergie" und "Deutschland als absolute Klimawirtschaftssupermacht" propagieren könnte. Da würden die Leute auch sagen "na wenn die Das sogar sagen dann muss da was dran sein." Aber wir haben wissing bekommen. traurige efuels Geräusche

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ich bin persönlich auch pro Glas, auch wenn die Umweltbilanz aktuell noch schlechter ist. Glas kann man einschmelzen und wenn der Strom dafür irgendwann 100% regenerativ ist, ists gut. Auch den Transport kann man regenerativ machen. Plastik wird auf lange Sicht weiter aus Öl sein und bleibt in seiner Form oder Mikroplastik laaaaange im System. Da fang ich doch lieber jetzt schon eine Glaswirtschaft aufzubauen mit Sicht auf die zukünftige Stromerzeugung.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (3 children)

You mean 2-3 trips per week, right? Maybe with kids it gets one per day or every two days? laughs in 100 percent homeoffice

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wasn't the tire thing to stop the contour matching so that the drones can't see/find their target?

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

We proooooibably could do that if everyone agrees and we all do it together everywhere of the world. Will that happen? No. So we can not agree on that and therefore no big nuclear Masterplan will be build.

Let's say we also try to get everyone on the full renewable boat, try really hard. Will that work so that everybody agrees? No. So as we can not agree on that no renewables will be built. Wait.. Stop.. That's wrong. I still can built renewables even alone on my house. And here is the difference. For the nuclear plan we would almost all all over the world have to agree to make it work. For renewables, it will happen, because we can do it right here right now, everywhere, large scale, small scale. Doesn't matter. It's like with gravity and religion. For religion to "work" you need to believe. Gravity will work, if you believe it or not. That's what gives me at least a little bit hope, renewables are so fucking good, they are unstoppable by now. Question is just if we are fast enough.

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