I sort all music by track number exclusively, can't be sure if it's better or just my preference. iMO the artist released it in a specific order for a reason, even if the songs don't fade into each other for example.
Hahaha, good one!
There are wheels on the roof
You can sideload Roku devices. Hit a button combo on the remote and it enables developer mode and a web page you can upload the package to. It's been a long while since I've messed with it so I don't remember many specifics
Melvil Decimal System, I had to look it up too. I have only ever heard of it as the Dewey decimal system
PA dripping off this comment
They're not high enough to become space debris
Sure it's scummy, but it's definitely not hidden. When you open the settings page Data Collection is a top level option
What are institualtions?
Sam borrows and wields the ring for a period of time, do you think it just wasnt long enough to corrupt?
Perfect timing too, I'm just a few days off having finished the books.
He said piracy costs the us GDP 115billion. Not that it is 115billion