🫶 Thank you for the answer
Ok thank you my guy ❤️
Definitely rockstar indeed manhunt, another of their games, has the same razor hex sign in the game files, and I'm pretty much sure rockstar did this, because manhunt is unplayable on steam because all the antipiracy measure in it are trigghered, and the funny thing is that is not happening because of the crack but because rockstart added the steam drm in a non code section of the game that trip a Data Execution Prevention.
Brave tho is not better than Mozilla and FF, at the end of the day they are all companies, not our friends at all, the only thing they care is profit, and as everything else on this world there are positive and negative fact about it.
Yes I'm contributor too, not on distros tho, even tho I have tried to contribute to mint some time ago, never had a bad experience with contributions and trust I have made many many mistakes while trying to contribute, maybe it's better if you don't find the environment to be good for you to just contribute to something else that at least isn't uncomfortable and isn't discouraging, yes I know the problem shouldn't have existed to begin with but we can't do much about it if they don't even acknowledge the problem.
From the description to me sound probably like nixos
And don't forget Crash-Resilient Wayland Compositing that keep applications alive even tho the "compositor" crash, so it does restart without any data loss and the lockscreen protocol, because on xorg if the lockscreen crash then you view the desktop and you have the device unlocked!
Streetcomplete to contribute to osm?
At least they have donated $10 million to the fund.
Not the same app my guy
Ok thank you for the response!