HROT! Quake styled retro fps. I am enjoying it :)
I think replying to every single point you made would be way off topic, so I'm not going to.
What I will respond to is your very first comment. The far right, worldwide (not just republicans) is practically frothing at the mouth about trans people lately. Their rhetoric is borderline genocidal, with open calls to "exterminate transgenderism". No civil discussion can be had when one of the sides is literally out for blood.
There are many issues that you can take many perfectly reasonable differing opinions on, and have a civil discussion over, but this isn't one of them.
I had this same problem. Try looking it up over here: possibly without the ! mark, not sure.
I think the magazines list only shows magazines/communities that have already federated. But, search kicks that into motion if it hasn't started already.
That did it! Thank you :D
I was looking under, good to know I should use the search instead :)
Seems to be some server weirdness so replying with my alt.
I am rather confused about this reply! To clarify, I unironically find it cute, and was making a light hearted post to comment on it. Did you intend to reply to someone else?