"Overlord, interrogative, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Over"
Pozdrowienia z Polski dla braci Słoweńców! :)
Local military superiority against eastern thread? First nuclear reactor? Creating high speed railway connections east-west and south-north supported by a huge central airport? One can only hope some of these will become true :)
In Poland we have instant payments called Blik! Go check it out.
I’ve been seeing you across multiple posts use the Polish flag an have been wondering myself like „nah, that’s impossible, he can’t be proud to be a Pole’ xD
I have blocked content from lemmy.world altogether and have so much fun. Go try it, leave the bubble.
Once upon a time I stumbled on a tool called “fsfreeze”. Might be useful.
European companies like Nokia and Ericsson are sitting on a technology enabling direct to cell 5G from LEO satellites. Trials were made. You don’t need fancy terminals, regular cell phone works.
We have ESA and French made fantastic Ariadne rockets. Not reusable, true, but do you doubt if funding was not a problem the same engineers couldn’t make reusable rocket?
iMHO the problem is how can we compete with Starlink and SpaceX both extremely heavily funded by US taxpayers money. We can’t afford to burn money as fast as they can and not be profitable for a long time.
Lurker here, bought Wurkkos HD15 thanks to this community and I couldn’t be more grateful. Yet I also don’t qualify! What a shame! Good luck to everybody else.
Poland was occupied by Germany. Not some imaginary nation called Nazi. Your text is SEO optimized to avoid connecting Germany with atrocities they committed and the only time "Germany" is used is together with "POWs".
Think about that for a second. Because soon you will be writing that Palestinians genocided themselves.
Introduction 2024 is a new year of growth for the…
Oh, author is still in the past.
A czy Wy też zauważyliście więcej samochodów z nielegalnymi światłami na polskich drogach? Pomijam oślepiające reflektory, ale czerwone kierunkowskazy używane zamiennie ze światłami stop. Nagrywać takich i z numerem rejestracyjnym na policję czy co? Przecież te samochody nie powinny przejść przeglądu, więc diagnosta może za to odpowiadać, a co dopiero kierowca.