What would be a good alternative? I refuse to support this. Thankfully, I have my own domain, so anything where I can use it would be great, and moving shouldn't be that hard. Bonus points if I can use wildcards, or at least have a few emails, like spam@mydomain and other.
Oh, and it has to support "+" emails, such as [email protected]
I see a few people who don't want to switch due to the hassle it would take with changing email addresses, presumably because they use one of the @proton.me email domains. Get your own email domain! It's super cheap (if you choose one of the new TLDs, it can be as low as few dollars a year), the setup isn't really hard - you just change a few DNS values, and that's basically it - you can use whatever email you want that ends with your domain. It might take a while to slowly replace all your @proton.me emails with your domain one, but if you're not in a hurry and change any old mail you see during your day-to-day activities, you'll eventually be done with it, and you can set up mail forwarding to your domain for mail that arrives to your old @proton.me address.
And if you ever need to move to a different provider, you just change the DNS records again to a new provider, and your email will start coming to the new one immediately.